Jiswielek li tivvota fuq l-AĦDAR from ADPD on Vimeo.
Jiswielek. Il-Manifest (Maltese)
It is worth your while to vote Green. The Manifesto (English)
Video – il-manifest fil-qosor
Campaign pledges, declarations, and meetings with NGOS
- Għaqda Bdiewa Attivi – Answer to questions received by e-mail (in Maltese only)
- Friends of the Earth Malta – Meeting, Sandra Gauci, Ralph Cassar
- Rota.mt bike ride for MEP candidates – attended by Ralph Cassar, Rachelle Deguara, Mina Jack Tolu
- European Cyclists Federation Pledge, VoteBike.eu, Sandra Gauci, Mina Jack Tolu, Ralph Cassar
- BirdLife Malta, visit to is-Simar Nature Reserve, Ralph Cassar, Mina Jack Tolu
- Stqarrija, Jum l-Ambjent, Ralph Cassar, Sandra Gauci
Animal Rights
- MSCPA – Malta Society for the Care and Protection of Animals, meeting Sandra Gauci, meeting Mina Jack Tolu, meeting Rachelle Deguara
- Animal Rights pledge, Vote for Animals, Sandra Gauci, Mina Jack Tolu
Children and Youth Rights
- Children’s Manifesto (MFWS) – signed by Sandra Gauci, Ralph Cassar, Mina Jack Tolu
- Children’s and Young People’s Council – Sandra Gauci, Ralph Cassar, Mina Jack Tolu attended a meeting
- Participation in Youth and Community Studies conference, Mina Jack Tolu
- Participation in all of the KNŻ – Kunsill Nazzjonali taż-Żgħażagħ events during the campaign
Human Rights and Social Justice
- ILGA Europe Come Out 4 Europe pledge – signed by Sandra Gauci, Mina Jack Tolu, Ralph Cassar, Rachelle Deguara
- Meeting with Dar Hosea – Sandra Gauci and Mina Jack Tolu
- YMCA – My Voice to Europe project – attended by Sandra Gauci and Mina Jack Tolu
- Meeting with BPW Malta, Sandra Gauci, Mina Jack Tolu
- Meeting with JRS – Jesuit Refugee Service, Mina Jack Tolu
- Justice for Palestine – Sandra Gauci, Mina Jack Tolu,
- Justice for Palestine pledge – signed by all ADPD MEP candidates
Green and Wellbeing Economy
- CECOP Pledge, Industrial and service cooperatives’ priorities for European elections 2024, Sandra Gauci, Mina Jack Tolu
- Jum il-Ħaddiem, press conference
- Il-Bankini Għaċ-Ċittadini, pledge – signed by all ADPD MEP candidates
- Doctors for Choice – Answer to questions received by e-mail
- On Mental Health and Invisible Disabilities (Press Conference)
- Stqarrija, il-frodi fil-qasam tas-saħħa – Sandra Gauci, Ralph Cassar, Mina Jack Tolu
- Autism Europe – meeting, Mina Jack Tolu
Press Releases and Conferences
- Irridu Ewropa li taħdem kontra l-faqar. Irridu Patt Soċjali Ewropew.
- Appeal to voters.
- Climate change commits us to action on local, national and European levels
- Fl-elezzjoni tal-Parlament Ewropew Aħdar Jiswielek.
- Bżonn kbir ta’ infrastruttura għar-roti
- It is worth your time voting Green on 8th June
- Artist Rachelle Deguara approved as ADPD candidate for the European Parliament
- ADPD presents three candidates for the European Parliament
Opinion Articles
- Sandra Gauci: Is-Sigurtà u Jum il-Ħaddiem
- Sandra Gauci – “X’se tagħtini?”
- Ralph Cassar – “Viċin in-nies … fis-selfies biss”
- Ralph Cassar – Meta s-suq ifalli
- Ralph Cassar – Daqqa ta’ ħarta kbira għall-bdiewa
- Mina Jack Tolu – MEP Candidate Analysis
- Mina Jack Tolu – The need to elect progressive MEPs
- Rachelle Deguara – L-arti meta?
- Mina Jack Tolu – Why the EU elections matter for our queer community
- Sandra Gauci – In your interest to vote Green
In the Press (Interviews)
- Leħnek, Youtube, Sandra Gauci
- The Malta Independent, Sandra Gauci
- Illum, Rachelle Deguara
- Jon Mallia, Sandra Gauci
- The Third Eye, Sandra Gauci
- MaltaToday, Ralph Cassar
On Broadcast
- 4th June, TVM, Dibattitu bejn il-partiti, Sandra Gauci
- 4th June, RTK – Newsbook: id-demokrazija u s-saltna tad-dritt, Mina Jack Tolu
- 3rd June, FLiving, Mina Jack Tolu
- 1st June, Agora, Campus FM, Sandra Gauci
- 30th May, Insights, TVM, Sandra Gauci
- 29th May, Popolin, TVM, Sandra Gauci
- 28th May, TVM, Messaġġ ADPD, Sandra Gauci
- 27th May, RTK – Newsbook: ix-xogħol, Mina Jack Tolu
- 23rd May, Intervista, Utv, Mina Jack Tolu
- 23rd May, Ġustizzja Soċjali, Xejk TV, Ralph Cassar
- 23rd May, FLiving, Sandra Gauci
- 16th May, FLiving, Mina Jack Tolu
- 9th May, Insights, TVM News+, Ralph Cassar
- 9th May, FLiving, Ralph Cassar
- 8th May, Intervista, Utv, Sandra Gauci
- 6th May, Newsbook: L-ambjent, RTK, Ralph Cassar
- 5th May, Ras imb Ras, TVM, Sandra Gauci
- 4th May, Vi jew Va, Radju Malta, Sandra Gauci
- 2nd May, Ġustizzja Soċjali, Xejk TV, Sandra Gauci
- 2nd May, Broadcasting Authority debate, TVM, Sandra Gauci
- 22nd April, Xtra, TVM, Sandra Gauci
- 20th April, Għandi xi ngħid, RTK, Sandra Gauci
- 12th April, Agora, Campus FM, Sandra Gauci (and Janet Zahra Walker, Brian Decelis, Sam Vella)
- 5th April, Il-Każin, Tokis, Sandra Gauci
- 14th March, Smash TV, Sandra Gauci
- 11th March, Xtra, TVM, Ralph Cassar
- 4th June, RTK – Newsbook: id-demokrazija u s-saltna tad-dritt, Mina Jack Tolu
- 1st June, Lovin Malta online, Sandra Gauci
- 27th May, RTK – Newsbook: ix-xogħol, Mina Jack Tolu
- 21st May, Ewropej debate by MaltaToday, Lovin Malta in Gozo, Ralph Cassar
- 17th May, Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar, Xewkija, Gozo, Sandra Gauci
- 14th May, Ewropej debate by MaltaToday, Lovin Malta in Mosta, Ralph Cassar
- 14th May, debate organised by Young BPW, Sandra Gauci, Mina Jack Tolu
- 14th May, debate organised by student organisation Pulse, Mina Jack Tolu
- 10th May, KNŻ – National Youth Council – Ewroagora final debate, Sandra Gauci, Ralph Cassar, Mina Jack Tolu
- 10th May, Junior College round tables with students, Sandra Gauci and Mina Jack Tolu
- 9th May, TVM+ Insights, Ralph Cassar
- 9th May, F Living, Ralph Cassar
- 7th May, Ewropej debate by Malta Today, Lovin Malta at MCAST, Sandra Gauci
- 7th May, RTK – Newsbook, Ralph Cassar
- 4th May, Radju Malta, Vi jew Va, Sandra Gauci
- 2nd May, Broadcasting Authority debate on TVM, Sandra Gauci
- 2nd May, Ewropej debate by Malta Today, Lovin Malta, and KSU, Mina Jack Tolu
- 20th April, RTK – Għandi xi ngħid, Sandra Gauci
- 19th April, KNŻ – Policy and Pints, Sandra Gauci, Ralph Cassar, Mina Jack Tolu
- 12th April, Chamber of Commerce – debate, Ralph Cassar
- 11th April, GUG – Gozo debate at University, Sandra Gauci
- 3rd April, KNŻ – National Youth Council – Ewroagora debate 3, Sandra Gauci
- 26nd March, Chamber of Commerce – debate, Mina Jack Tolu
- 22nd March, JEF – debate at University, Sandra Gauci
- 13th March, KNŻ – National Youth Council – Ewroagora debate 2, Ralph Cassar
- 11th March, TVM – XTRA, Ralph Cassar
- 21st February, KNŻ – National Youth Council – Ewroagora debate 1, Ralph Cassar and Mina Jack Tolu
- 16th May, National Protest, Valletta, Sandra Gauci
- 11th May, Gżira, Bankini taċ-Ċittadini, Sandra Gauci
- 5th May, Valletta, Solidarity with workers, Sandra Gauci
- 9th March, Valletta, Palestine, Sandra Gauci
- 9th March, Xemxija, against developments, Sandra Gauci
- 8th March, International Women’s Rights Day, Sandra Gauci
About the Candidates
![Rachelle Deguara, Sandra Gauci, Ralph Cassar and Mina Jack Tolu stand in front of an ADPD banner.](https://adpd.mt/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/MJT_8004-1200x795.jpeg)
Dr Ralph Cassar is currently the Secretary General of ADPD. He has been active with the Greens in Malta since 1992, serving for four terms as a Green local councillor in Ħ’Attard. In that role he worked on the recyclables collection scheme, educational, cultural and sports activities, tree planting, the defence of open spaces and a new public library. Ralph has worked in the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry in various roles related to process validation, quality and product development. He recognises the urgency of an ecological transition in industry. He has also taught chemistry in secondary schools and worked briefly in regulatory affairs on medical devices with a public agency. He holds a Bachelor of Science in chemistry with computer studies, a Masters in Management (MBA) from the University of Malta, a Masters in Science from the Open University (UK), and a Doctorate in Education from the University of Glasgow. Ralph Cassar is a lecturer at the Institute of Applied Sciences at the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology. His interests include green energy and mobility policy development, wellbeing and the transition to an ecosocial economy.
Website | Instagram | Facebook
Rachelle Deguara also known as REA, is former chairperson of Alternattiva Demokratika Żgħażagħ and has been active in politics as an artist and activist for 10 years. She is a multidisciplinary art practitioner working in music, art, theatre and as a curator of contemporary exhibitions. Her music is influenced by folk and rap, and touches on political themes related to our natural environment, and feminist issues. She has served on the committee of the Għaqda tal-Malti at the University of Malta, and in 2019 she co-founded the Young Progressive Beings, an NGO which works towards social progress and campaigns on sexual and reproductive health and rights. Rachelle’s interests include sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), art and cultural policy, and the care economy.
Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter/X
Sandra Gauci is the Chairperson of ADPD. She has been active in Green politics for four years and is known for being a voice of the people through her weekly videos “ABS news”. Sandra holds a Bachelor of Education in Italian, and a Masters in Italian Literature, thanks to a scholarship by the University of Siena on teaching Italian through film. Sandra is a teacher of Italian with 22 years of experience. Her interests include rule of law, social justice, and media freedom.
Mina Jack Tolu is treasurer of ADPD, and committee member of the European Green Party. They have been active in Green politics since 2017 and as an LGBTQI activist since 2010. Mina Jack holds a Bachelor of Communications and a Masters in Conflict Resolution and Mediterranean Security from the University of Malta, and a Masters in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from George Mason University (USA). They are self-employed and work as a trainer on gender, feminism, communications and campaigns to LGBTQI and youth NGOs, and also as a sensitivity reader and character consultant on trans and non-binary inclusive storylines for Italian TV series, and international digital games. Mina Jack’s interests include human rights, mental health, foreign policy, arts, cultural, and sports policy.
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