Answers to questions from Doctors for Choice

Doctors for Choice: ⁠What is your stance on the decriminalization of abortion?

Mina Jack Tolu: Thank you for the questions, as candidates of ADPD we have chose to answer these questions together. These are therefore the answers of myself, Sandra, Rachelle, and Ralph. 

ADPD – The Green Party is in favour of the decriminalisation of abortion.

Doctors for Choice: How do you plan to ensure that individuals have access to safe and legal abortion care?

Mina Jack Tolu: As things currently stand, with health considered a national level competency, MEPs cannot ensure safe and legal abortion care in Malta. As we witness the Labour Government’s inaction vis-a-vis the decriminalisation of abortion, we hope that Malta is spared the deaths and very serious incidents that have happened to women in other countries where abortion has been criminalised. ADPD currently has no seat in the Maltese Parliament, however we continue to fight for one through the constitutional court to represent the over 4000 people who voted for us in 2022. When we can finally claim our rightful seat in Parliament, the elected individual would present the position of the party on abortion, as presented in our 2022 manifesto.

Doctors for Choice:
⁠Are you willing to support and promote comprehensive sex education for all individuals?

Mina Jack Tolu: Yes, this is something that we all strongly support and believe in. Comprehensive sex education should be accessible to everyone, this means that it is also catered to different ages and is inclusive of diverse sexual orientations and genders. It is necessary to start educating youth and children on the notion of consent, and the importance of learning how to say ‘no’ to unwanted attention of physical or other nature at a young age. This could include learning how to say no to a hug from a friend or family member when the child does not feel like it!  As children grow up, content should be adjusted accordingly, so that they continue to learn how to openly communicate about relationships, their bodies, and eventually sex. Through learning age-appropriate and inclusive communication about relationships, bodies, and sex, we empower children and youth to seek consent, speak up when something happens, and live healthier lives.

Doctors for Choice: What measures will you take to ensure free access to contraception for those who need it?

Mina Jack Tolu: As ADPD we call for more decentralisation in Malta, this includes the decentralisation of local councils so that they are not caught up in endless bureaucratic disputes should they choose to set up local services to provide free access to contraception, for example.
