The Commercialisaton of Sports Facilities


Alternattiva Demokratika-The Green Party, has, through Deputy  Chairperson Carmel Cacopardo participated in the public consultation on the document entitled ‘Commercialisation of Sports Facilities : Moving towards the financial self sustainability of sports organisations in Malta and Gozo’.  The consultation process will be concluded today 31 March 2016. Alternattiva Demokratika’s submission was the following :

“While one understands and agrees with the ultimate aim of the document on the commercialisation of sports facilities, I consider that there arise serious possibilities of abuse in the manner in which the proposal could be implemented.

The document lays considerable emphasis on the financial analysis of the proposal but there is no reference to the consideration of environmental impacts and/or impacts on residential areas.

Notwithstanding the financial feasibility of a specific proposal it could just the same be unacceptable in principle due to :

1) it being located to close to the coast,

2) it being too close to a residential area,

3) its negative impacts on historical or natural heritage,

4) its lying Outside the Development Zone.

This should be addressed very early in the examination of proposals submitted not just to avoid unnecessary expenses but more to ensure that damaging proposals are nipped in the bud.

It is not a sufficient precaution that the consultation document subjects proposals to a development permit. The parameters defining the acceptability or otherwise of a project should be determined very early in the day.”

Alternattiva Demokratika, permezz tad-Deputat Chairperson Carmel Cacopardo ħadet sehem fil-konsultazzjoni pubblika dwar id-dokument ‘Commercialisation of Sports Facilities : Moving towards the financial self sustainability of sports organisations in Malta and Gozo’.  Il-konsultazzjoni pubblika tiġi fi tmiemha illum 31 ta’ Marzu 2016. Is-sottomissjoni ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika hi s-segwenti :

“Fil-waqt li nifhem u naqbel mal-iskop aħħari tad-dokument dwar il-Kummerċjalizzazzjoni tal-facilitajiet sportivi nara l-possibilità ta’ abbużi kbar fil-mod kif din il-proposta tista’ titħaddem.

Id-dokument jagħmel emfasi kbira fuq l-analiżi finanzjarja tal-proposta imma imkien ma hemm kunsiderazzjoni tal-impatti ambjentali u/jew impatti fuq żoni residenzjali.

Minkejja li proposta tista’ tkun tali li finanzjarjament tagħmel ħafna sens, f’ħafna każi tista’ tkun inaċċettabbli fil-prinċipju minħabba :

1)  Li tkun mal-kosta,

2)  Li tkun viċin wisq ta’ żona residenzjali,

3)  Li tkun ta’ ħsara għal wirt storiku jew wirt naturali,

4)  Li tkun barra miż-żona ta’ żvilupp.

Dan għandu jkun ikkjarifikat minn kmieni fl-eżami tal-proposti sottomessi u dan mhux biss biex ikunu evitati spejjes inutli imma fuq kollox biex ikun assigurat li proposti li jkollhom il-potenzjal ta’ ħsara jinqatlu minnufih.

M’huwiex biżżejjed li jingħad fid-dokument ta’ konsultazzjoni illi l-proposti jkunu soġġetti  għal applikazzjoni ta’ żvilupp. Il-parametri ta’ dak li hu aċċettabbli jew le għandhom ikunu determinati ħafna qabel.”
