Carmel Cacopardo, AD deputy Chairperson said: “This marks the beginning of the last stage which leads to a precise date for the holding of the referendum, which would abolish hunting in Spring once and for all. The Constitutional court has around three months to hear the oral submissions of the interested parties and to then decide on the admissability of the referendum request. By the end of January, at the latest, we should know the outcome”.
Alternattiva Demokratika Chairperson, Prof. Arnold Cassola, said:”We at AD are proud that since our foundation in 1989 we have been consistently working to abolish spring hunting. We are proud to have worked closely with other environmental organisations to make this dream come true. We would like to thank again all those that signed the petition since -in the absence of any government action- through their signature they exercised their rights in such a way as to be
able to give the opportunity to all the Maltese people to decide on the issue through their vote in a referendum. This is a democratic expression of the highest kind.”
Id-Deputat Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika, Carmel Cacopardo, qal: “Dan jimmarka l-bidu tal-ahhar stadju tat-triq li se twassalna ghad-data tar-referendum, biex tispicca darba ghal dejjem il-kacca fir-rebbiegha. Matul it-tliet xhur li gejjin il-Qorti Kostituzzjonali issa tghaddi biex tisma’ s-sottomissjonijiet orali tal-partijiet u wara tghaddi biex tiddeciedi jekk ir-referendum ghadux isir, Nistennew li sa mhux iktar tard minn Jannar inkunu nafu d-data tar-referendum”.
Ic-Chairperson ta’ AD, il-Prof Arnold Cassola, qal: “Alternattiva Demokratika kburija li b’mod konsistenti kemm ilha tezisiti sa mill-1989 dejjem hadmet biex il-kacca fir-rebbiegha tispicca darba ghal dejjem. AD kburija li hadmet flimkien mal-ghaqdiet ambjentali biex tqarreb din il-holma lejn ir-realta. Nirringrazzjaw lil dawk kollha li iffirmaw il-petizzjoni ghax b’dan il-mod ezercitaw
id-drittijiet taghhom b’mod li dak li ma kienux kapaci biex jiddeciduh il-Gvernijiet issa jiddeciduh in-nies bil-vot taghhom: l-ikbar espressjoni tad-demokrazija”.