Attard: Despite the dust problems from quarries, the government and parliament procrastinate

In a press conference in Attard, Alternattiva Demokratika – the Green
Party said that the case of the Attard quarries shows that the
government and parliament never felt the need to introduce laws which
set clearly the limits and parameters within which quarries can
operate. Quarry owners are left to hide behind the lack of legislation
which regulates their industrial activity to the detriment of

Ralph Cassar, AD Attard Councillor, said: “We are here to continue
drawing attention to the lack of regulations which characterise the
quarries industry in our country. This quarry is just one example of
how this industry was given a laissez-faire remit. One need only
mention the fact that according the police operation licence, upon
completion of rock excavation work, quarry owners are obliged to start
rehabilitating the area. However not one centimetre of land has been
rehabilitated. Apart from that, rock excavation was extended beyond
the established boundaries. This quarry has also been allowed to store
construction waste without any controls or enforcement procedures as
to how this should be kept or stored. Like other quarries there are
also illegal structures. The reality is that there is no political
will for the problems caused by quarries to be accounted for by the
government. I will let everyone decide why this is happening”.

“Even those who would like to do something about this quarry have
their hands tied. Why? Because the government and parliament of this
country have never passed a specific law which regulates the operation
of quarries. There are what in every industry are called ‘best
practices’. In Malta we do not even dream of such things. This is not
an EU matter but it is up to the Maltese government and parliament to
establish specific regulations for Malta and for the particular
circumstances of this industry. In 2010 MEPA announced a new system of
permits for quarries which would impose new and modern conditions on
the operations of quarries. We would like to know what stage this
process has reached.”

Carmel Cacopardo, AD spokesperson for Sustainable Development and
Local Government, said, ‘The existence of this quarry so close to an
inhabited area is unacceptable. MEPA and its predecessor, the PAPB
should have take the decision to close this quarry a long time ago
when it was decided that this zone would be a residential area. The
operation of the quarry is not compatible with the existence of a
residential area in such close proximity.’

Michael Briguglio, AD Chairperson, said: ‘The presence of Councillor
Ralph Cassar on the Attard Local Council is helping residents to make
their voice heard. The election of more councillor in a number of
localities next year will ensure that voices in favour of sustainable
development, residents’ rights and the protection of the environment
with continue to be strengthened.’


H’Attard: Minkejja l-problemi tat-trabijiet tal-barrieri, il-gvern u
l-parlament ikaxkru saqajhom

F’konferenza stampa gewwa H’Attard, Alternattiva Demokratika – the
Green Party, qalet li l-kaz tal-barriera ta’ H’Attard juri kemm
il-gvern u l-parlament qatt ma hassew il-bzonn li jintroducu ligijiet
li jaghtu b’mod car u tond l-limiti u l-parametri li fihom jistghu
joperaw il-barrieri. Is-sidien tal-barrieri qed jithallew jistahbew
wara n-nuqqas ta’ ligijiet li jirregolaw l-attivita industrijali
taghhom ghas-skaptu tar-residenti.

Ralph Cassar, Kunsillier ta’ AD f’H’Attard qal: ‘Qeghdin hawn biex
inkomplu nigbdu l-attenzjoni ghan-nuqqas ta’ regolamentazzjoni
tal-industrija tal-barrieri f’pajjizna. Din il-barriera hija ezempju
wiehed ta’ kif din l-industrija thalliet taghmel li trid minghajr
regolamentazzjoni. Bizzejjed wiehed jghid li skont il-licenzja
tal-operat tal-pulizija suppost fejn jispicca t-tqattiegh tal-blat
tibda minnufih ir-rijabilitazzjoni taz-zona. L-anqas centimentru ta’
art ma giet irrijabilitata. Barra minn hekk it-tqattiegh hareg
mill-konfini stabbiliti. Dil-barriera qed tithalla wkoll iddahhal
radam minghajr kontroll u infurzar ta’ kif jizamm u jinhazen. Bhal
f’barrieri ohra hemm ukoll strutturi illegali. Ir-realta hija li
m’hemmx rieda politika li l-problemi li jikkawzaw il-barrieri jigu
iffaccjati mill-gvern. Ir-raguni ghaliex inhalli f’idejn kull wiehed
minnkom jiddeciedi.’

‘Anke min irid jaghmel xi haga dwar dil-barriera ghandu idejh
marbutin. Ghaliex? Ghax il-gvern u l-parlament ta’ pajjizna qatt
m’ghadda ligi specifika li tirregola l-operat tal-barrieri. Hemm dak
li f’kull industrija jissejhu ‘best practices’. F’Malta lanqas idea
m’ghandna ta’ dawn l-affarijiet. Dan mhux kaz ta’ Unjoni Ewropea izda
tal-Gvern u l-parlament Malti li jaghmel regoli specifici ghal Malta u
ghac-cirkostanzi partikolari ta’ din l-industrija f’Malta. Fl-2010
il-MEPA habbret sistema ta’ permessi ghall-barrieri gdida li ghandha
timponi kundizzjonijiet godda u moderni fuq l-operat taghhom. Nistaqsu
fiex wasal dal-process? ‘

Carmel Cacopardo, Kelliem tal-AD ghall-Izvilupp Sostenibbli u Gvern
Lokali qal li -ezistenza ta’ din il-barriera daqshekk vicin l-abitat
hu inaccettabbli. Il-MEPA u l-predecessur taghha l-PAPB messhom ilhom
li hadu id-decizjoni li din il-barriera tinghalaq minn dak il-mument
li gie deciz li din iz-zona tkun wahda residenzjali. L-operat
tal-barriera m’huwiex kompatibbli mal-ezistenza ta’ zona reidenzjali
daqshekk fil-vicin.

Michael Briguglio, Chairperson ta’ AD qal: ‘Il-prezenza tal-Kunsillier
Ralph Cassar fil-Kunsill ta’ H’Attard qed tghin biex ir-residenti
ikollhom vuci. L-elezzjoni ta’ iktar kunsilliera tal-AD f’numru ta’
lokalitajiet is-sena d-diehla tizgura li l-vuci favur zvilupp
sostenibbli, drittijiet tar-residenti u protezzjoni ambjentali tkompli
