Following Dr Simon Busuttil’s declaration on Dissett yesterday that the PN was against the Spring hunting referendum, AD Chairperson Prof. Arnold Cassola, said: “After Dr Busuttil has allied himself with Prime Minister Dr Joseph Muscat in opposition of a spring hunting referendum, Alternattiva Demokratika would like to salute the 20,000 independently minded Maltese (slowly but steadily moving towards the 25,000 mark) who have shown that they are independent minded and can judge an issue on its own merits.
“AD would also like to thank all the NGOs who together with AD form the Coalition to Abolish Spring Hunting for their altruistic work in favour of Maltese present and future generations, as well as the Malta Today journalistic stable for its open stand in favour of the collection of signatures,” concluded Prof. Cassola.
“Alternattiva Demokratika tixtieq ukoll tirringrazzja lill-NGOs li, flimkien mal-AD, jiffurmaw parti mill-koalizzjoni biex titneħħa l-kaċċa fir-rebbiegħa, tax-xogħol altruwistiku tagħhom favur il-ġenerazzjonijiet preżenti u futuri Maltin. AD issellem ukoll lill-Malta Today talli ħadet pożizzjoni apertament favur il-ġabra tal-firem,” temm jgħid il-Prof. Cassola.