AD welcomed a number of positive points in the Budget relating to environmentally friendly measures and sports, such as the differentiation in registration and circulation taxes on smaller cars as well as and an emphasis on air quality. Yet AD feels disappointed that there was nothing that enhances the use of alternative means of commuting such as the bicycle. In this respect it is difficult to see how Malta can attain the 2020 EU target to double the current use of the bicycle.
Investments in the Marsa Sports Club and the Birzebbuga Waterpolo Club have long been pending, and it is hoped that the latter will benefit other watersports such as swimming and canoe-polo. Similarly, from the €11.7million allocated for the University of Malta, it is expected that some of these funds will go to continue the renovation and maintenance of the University’s running track.
It is also felt that the budget did not give enough detail and figures about the scholarship scheme and the funds allocated to sports. The incentive towards more professionalism in sport which is only assisting Malta’s “richest” sport, football, should be extended to all other sports. All sports disciplines should be treated equally and thus supported whilst reducing tax rates for football players does not help Maltese sport holistically.
Dr. Azzopardi Lane spokesperson for Sports and Disability Issues said: “AD suggests adopting more holistic measures such as reducing tax and import duty on sports equipment and services. These would help everyone, from the person looking after his health through fitness to the local sports person, international competitors, associations and federations.”
Investimenti fil-Marsa Sports Club u l-Club tal-Waterpolo ta’ Birzebbuga kienu ilhom mistennija u nisperaw li dan tal-aħħar ikun jista’ jservi ukoll għal sport tal-ilma ieħor, bħall-għawm u l-polo tal-kenuri. Bl-istess mod, mill-€11.7miljun allokati għall-Universita’ ta’ Malta, huwa mistenni li ftit minn dawn il-fondi jintużaw biex jitkompla x-xogħol u l-manutenzjoni fuq it-track tal-ġiri tal-Universita’.
L-AD tħoss li l-budget ma tax bizzejjed dettall u figuri dwar l-iskema ta’ boroż ta’ studju u fondi allokati għall-isport. L-inċentiv għal aktar professjonalita’ fl-isport li qed tgħin biss lill-isport l-iktar “sinjur” ta’ Malta, il-football, għandu jiġi estiż għal sport ieħor. Id-dixxiplini kollha sportivi għandhom ikunu trattati u msaħħa bl-istess mod filwaqt li t-tnaqqis tat-taxxa għall-players tal-football ma jgħinx lill-isport Malti b’mod ħolistiku. Dr. Azzopardi Lane, kelliema ghall-Isport u Dizabilita’, qalet: “AD tissuggerixxi li jittieħdu miżuri aktar ħolistici bħal tnaqqis ta’ taxxa u dazju fuq l-importazzjoni ta’ makkinarju u servizzi sportivi. Dawn ikunu ta’ għajnuna għal kulħhadd, mill-persuna li tieħu ħsieb saħħitha u żżomm ruħħa fit, għall-isportivi lokali u kompetituri, assoċjazzjonijiet u federazzjonijiet internazzjonali.”