
Solidarity with all victims of terrorism

Jean Jullien’s Peace for Paris illustration

In view of the unfolding drama in France, AD Chairperson, Prof Arnold Cassola, said: “A restaurant, a concert hall, a sports venue have been targeted. Symbols of liberty and of the European lifestyle people in France enjoy. We strongly condemn the attack on European values and our solidarity goes with the people of France, the people of Lebanon,also victims of senseless terror attacks, and with all victims of senseless terrorism the world over”.

Solidarjeta’ mal-vittmi kollha tat-terroriżmu

Fl-isfond tat-traġedja fi Franza, ic-Chairperson ta’ AD, il-Prof Arnold Cassolsa, qal: “Ġew attakkati ristorant, sala tal-kunċerti, stadium tal-football. Simboli tal-liberta’ u tal-mod ta’ għixien Ewropej. Nikkundannaw bil-qawwa dan l-attakk fuq il-valuri Ewropej u nuru s-solidarjeta’ tagħna mal-poplu Franċiz, ma’ dak tal- Lebanon, vittma wkoll ta’ atti bla sens ta’ terroriżmu, u mal-vittmi kollha fid-dinja ta’ atti terroristiċi bla sens”.
