The European Greens meeting in Lyon, France suspended their congress in solidarity with all victims of terrorism and barbaric actions, wherever they are, and by whoever such actions are perpetrated. Alternattiva Demokratika Chairperson Prof Arnold Cassola and AD International Secretary, Dr Claire Azzopardi Lane, together with their European colleagues said: “The attack by ISIS on places that are symbols of the European way of life will not stifle the liberties and the democracy which we Europeans have striven for during the centuries. Civil society will not only resist but we will fight back. Democracy and all people of good will shall triumph.”
The joint declaration by European Green Parties:
Il-vjolenza ġġib il-vjolenza: d-demokrazija biss tirbaħ
‘Il-kungress tal-European Greens f’Lyon, Franza ġie sospiż b’solidarjeta’ mal-vittmi kollha tat-terroriżmu u l-atroċitajiet huma min huma u jsiru minn min isiru. Iċ-Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika Chairperson Prof Arnold Cassola and s-Segretarju Internazzjonali Dr Claire Azzopardi Lane, li qed jattendu l-kungress flimkien mal-kollegi Ewropej, qalu:”L-attakki tal-ISIS fuq postijiet li jissimbolizzaw l-mod ta’ għixien Ewropew mhux se jnaqqsu mil-libertajiet u d-demokrazija li posta nies issieltu għalihom tul s-sekli. Is-soċjeta’ ċivili m’għandha qatt iċċedi, imma tissielet biex d-demokrazija u n-nies ta’ rieda tajba jirbħu.”
Id-dikjarazzjoni tal-partiti imsieħba fil-European Greens: