Iċ-Chairperson ta’ AD, Arnold Cassola u d-Deputat Chairperson, Carmel Cacopardo illum iltaqgħu mal-Awditur Ġenerali biex jitolbu li ikun eżaminat mill-Uffiċċju tiegħu il-mod ta’ kif il-Bank Ċentrali ta’ Malta u l-aġenti awtorizzati tiegħu kienu ħaddmu l-Iskema tar-Reġistrazzjoni tal-Investiment li kienet ħarġet fl-2014 fir-rigward tar-Regolamenti tal-Iskema tar-Reġistrazzjoni tal-Investiment (2014) [Avviż Legali 256 tal- 2014].
Alternattiva Demokratika tinsab imħassba dwar jekk saritx u kemm saret fil-fond il-verifika dwar l-oriġini tal-assi irreġistrati. B’mod partikulari, l-Awditur Ġenerali ġie mitlub minn Alternattiva Demokratika biex jinvestiga l-operat tal-iskema biex ikun żgurat li l-Bank Ċentrali ta’ Malta u l-aġenti tiegħu ivverifikaw sew is-sors tal-investiment irreġistrat.
AD għamlet din it-talba fid-dawl ta’ dak li ġie żvelat mill-Malta Independent on Sunday dwar ir-reġistrazzjoni mill-ex Ministru Ninu Zammit ta’ $3.2 miljun li qabel kienu depożitati fl-HSBC ta’ Ġinevra.
AD Chairperson Arnold Cassola and Deputy Chairperson Carmel Cacopardo have today met the Auditor General to request the examination by his office of the manner in which the Central Bank of Malta and its authorised agents have handled the 2014 Investment Registration Scheme in terms of the Investment Registration Scheme Regulations (2014) [Legal Notice 256 of 2014].
Alternattiva Demokratika is preoccupied as to whether and to what extent verification of the origin of the registered assets was carried out. In particular the Auditor General was requested by Alternattiva Demokratika to carry out an investigation into the operation of the scheme such that it be ascertained that the Central Bank of Malta and its agents properly verified the source of the registered investments.
AD has made this request in view of the revelations published in the Malta Independent on Sunday on the registration by former Minister Ninu Zammit of $3.2 million which were previously deposited in HSBC Geneve.