AD warns against possible illegal state aid


In view of the recent financial transactions entered into by the Maltese government, Alternattiva Demokratika Chairperson Prof. Arnold Cassola, said: “By selling the State-owned Enemalta profit-making Petroleum Division to the government-owned Petromal Company Ltd and Enemed Company Ltd, and by buying the Selmun Palace Hotel from Air Malta, the Maltese government is endangering the stability of Malta’s finances. There is a great risk that these deals be declared as hidden state aid by the European Commission.

“Moreover, the Government has to explain why it has taken up a bank loan for the transfer of the Petroleum Division assets and also give a justification for this operation.

“The government cannot play these dangerous financial games with people’s taxes, putting at risk the stability of our financial basis. What the government needs is not transferring sums of money from one government entity to another one but encouraging investment and influx of new money from external sources.”
