After it has been announced that Dr George Papadakis, a SEVESO Directive expert, has been commissioned by the Occupational Health and Safety Authority (OHSA) to examine the risks resulting from the operation of the proposed Delimara gas-fired power station, Carmel Cacopardo, AD Deputy Chairperson, has been in contact with the CEO of the OHSA in order to request a copy of the said report. The CEO has requested that a written request be submitted.
AD, said Carmel Cacopardo, deplores that the report has so far been withheld and that selective extracts from it are being leaked. It is imperative that the whole report is published immediately. Carmel Cacopardo has submitted the said written request in terms of the Seveso Directive.
Alternattiva Demokratika Chairperson, Prof. Arnold Cassola, said: “Why all this secrecy? The Maltese and Gozitan people have a right to be given all the information about the proposed Delimara plant because the safety of people is a top priority.”
Wara li gie imhabbar illi Dr George Papadakis, espert dwar id-Direttiva ta’ Seveso, kien ikkummissjonat mill-Awtorita’ ghas-Sahha u s-Sigurta’ fuq il-Post tax-Xoghol (OHSA) biex jezamina r-riskji li jirrizultaw mill-operazzjoni tal-power station tal-gas f’Delimara, Carmel Cacopardo, Deputat Chairperson ta’ AD, kien f’kuntatt mas-CEO tal-OHSA biex jitlob kopja ta’ dan ir-rapport. Is-CEO insista li t-talba issir bil-miktub.
Alternattiva Demokratika, qal Carmel Cacopardo, tiddeplora l-fatt li dan ir-rapport ghadu ma giex ippubblikat filwaqt li partijiet minnu qed ikunu imxandra b’mod selettiv. Huwa necessarju li r-rapport kollu jkun ippubblikat immedjatament.Carmel Cacopardo issottometta it-talba ghar-rapport bil-miktub u dan skond kif tezigi id-Direttuva ta’ Seveso.
Ic-Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika, il-Prof. Arnold Cassola, qal: “Ghaliex din is-segretezza kollha? Il-Maltin u l-Ghawdxin kollha ghandhom id-dritt li jkunu moghtija l-informazzjoni kollha dwar l-impjant propost ta’ Delimara ghax is-sahha u s-sigurtà tan-nies tigi l-ewwel u qabel kollox.”