Poor protection of citizens’ data and identity

It appears that hawking a person’s identity has become another profitable business following the cash-for-passports scheme.  The legal repercussions of wheeling and dealing in people’s identities are significant, particularly when it is obvious how widespread the confusion is, said Sandra Gauci, the Chairperson of the ADPD – The Green Party. 

“Under Labour, the poor protection of citizens has been felt in many ways, and the latest revelations can be added to the list.  An overhaul of the Aġenzija Identità is needed, with severe legal consequences for everyone involved in this serious scandal. There is a need for homeowners and tenants to have immediate access to information to know who is actually registered as living at their address.

This is particularly important as this will certainly have an effect on the electoral register. We have come to a point that nobody is trusting anything anymore, Gauci concluded.


Nuqqas ta’ protezzjoni taċ-ċittadini

Li tilgħab bl-identità ta’ persuna sar business li jirrendi, flok il-business tal-bejgħ tal-passaporti. Il-konsegwenzi legali ta’ dan il-logħob bl-identità tan-nies jaf ikunu kbar meta jkun ċar kemm hi kbira it-taħwida.  

Dan sostnietu ċ-Chairperson tal-ADPD-The Green Party Sandra Gauci fi stqarrija.

Taħt il-Labour in-nuqqas ta’ protezzjoni taċ-ċittadini ilha tinhass b’ħafna modi u din tas-serq tal-identità tista’ tiżdied mal-lista. Hemm bżonn theżżiża fl-Agenzija Identità, b’konsegwenzi legali iebsa għal kull min kien involut fit-taħwid. Hemm bżonn li s-sidien jew inkwilini tad-djar ikollhom aċċess immedjat għall-informazzjoni biex ikunu jafu min ġie irreġistrat fuq id-dar tagħhom.

Hemm bżonn li jkun ċar minn issa jekk dan kollu għandux effett fuq ir-reġistru elettorali. Għax issa ħadd ma hu qiegħed jafda xejn iktar, temmet tgħid Gauci.
