Community Services by Local Councils are essential – AD

In a press conference in Marsascala, Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party said that Government should give more assistance to local councils in order that they can better provide community services. 
Michael Briguglio, AD Chairperson, said: “Local Councils are facing increasing costs for their operations, and given that they are restricted in the generation of revenue, they are facing shortages of funds. Inevitably, this effects essential services such as those provided to the community”. 
Carmel Cacopardo, AD Spokesperson for Sustainable Development and Home Affairs said: “Local Councils are not being given enough assistance by the Government in order to provide the necessary community services. This is leading a number of Local Councils, such as that of Marsascala, into considering to act as developers, in order to generate funds, so as to be able to provide better services to the community.
Government passed this Garden on to the Local Council in Marsascala, and the Council was considering works on this garden together with the private sector, in order to regenerate it. Fortunately, the Local Council took public opinion into consideration and did away with such plans. There is now only the thought of building administrative offices for the Council in part of this garden, in accordance with the MEPA permit issued in 2009.
Alternattiva Demokratika is of the opinion that no development should take place in this garden, as it is one of the few open spaces left in this ever-growing locality, which has now become a concrete jungle. Yet unfortunately, if Government fails to give Local Councils the necessary means, they shall have no other alternative than to act as developers.
Servizzi Komunitarji mill-Kunsilli Lokali huma essenzjali – AD
F’konferenza stampa gewwa Marsaskala, l-Alternattiva Demokratika qalet li l-Gvern ghandu jaghti aktar ghajnuna lill-kunsilli lokali, sabiex dawn inkunu jistghu jipprovdu servizzi komunitarji ahjar.
Michael Briguglio, Chairperson ta’ AD, qal: “Kunsilli Lokali qeghdin dejjem jigu affaccjati bi spejjez ghola ghall-operazzjonijiet taghhom. Peress li huma restritti fl-iggenerar ta’ profitt, qed isibu lilhom innifishom f’sitwazzjoni ta’ nuqqas ta’ fondi. Inevitabbilment, dan jaffettwa servizzi essenzjali, bhalma huma dawk provduti lill-komunita`.”
Carmel Cacopardo, Kelliem ta’ AD ghall-iZvilupp Sostenibbli u Affarijiet Interni, qal: “Il-Kunsilli Lokali m’ghandhomx bizzejjed ghajnuna mill-Gvern biex jipprovdu servizzi lill-komunita`. Dan qed iwassal lil uhud mill-Kunsilli bhal dak ta’ Marsaskala biex jikkunsidraw illi jaghmluha ta’ l-izviluppaturi biex jiggeneraw il-fondi halli jkunu jistghu jaghtu servizz ahjar lill-komunita. 
Filwaqt li l-Gvern ghadda dan il-Gnien lill-Kunsill ta’ Marsaskala il-Kunsill kien qed jikkonsidra li flimkien mas-settur privat jaghmel xoghol fuq dan il-gnien billi jirrigenerah. Fortunatament il-Kunsill sema’ mill-opinjoni pubblika u hassar il-pjani kollha tieghu. Ghad baqa’ biss il-hsieb li jinbnew ufficini amministrattivi ghall-Kunsill f’parti min dana l-gnien skond permessi li harget il-MEPA fl-2009. 
Alternattiva Demokratika jidhrilha li dan il-gnien m’ghandux isir zvilupp fih ghax hu wiehed mill-ftit spazji miftuha li ghad baqa’ f’dan il-lokal li kiber hafna u li sar gungla ta-konkos. Izda sfortunatament jek il-Gvern jibqa’ ma jaghtix il-mezzi lill-Kunsilli dawn m’hux ser jibqalhom alternattivi hlief li jaghmluha tal-izviluppaturi.


Marsaskala - dwar il-Kunsilli
