Alternattiva Demokratika – the Green Party calls for greater attention to be given to green jobs in order to revitalize the Maltese economy. In a conference “Green Jobs from a small state perspective” organized by the green political foundations: Green European Foundation and Ceratonia Foundation, the discussion will revolve around the potential economic opportunities brought about by Green jobs.
The conference will take place at Hotel Juliani this coming Saturday 29 October between 9:00am and 1:30pm. The speakers include Ms. Vivian Storlund, Ms. Christine Cutajar and Ms. Leonie Baldacchino, Dr. Marvin Formosa, Mr. Andre Damato and Mr. Michael Briguglio, Ms. Maria Brown and Ms. Diana Aquilina. GEF representatives Ralph Cassar and Ms. Nighat Urpani will also address the conference. The presentations and the discussion shall be chaired by Ms. Angele Deguara.
To book a place at the conference, the public is encouraged to register via email to