Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party lambasted Labour’s position against an increase in the minimum wage, calling it a betrayal of the working class.
Michael Briguglio, AD Chairperson, said: “In one go the Labour Party has betrayed the working class and allied itself with big business and the Nationalist Party by opposing an increase in the minimum wage and renouncing discourse on class. It is totally disappointing that Labour chose to do this in its congress, otherwise characterized by ceremonial show of hands voting rather than critical debate. This only strengthens Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party to fulfill its historic role as Malta’s progressive party. For us social justice is a priority, and not an empty phrase”.
“Labour’s position to reduce utility tariffs for all and sundry, instead of increasing wages for low income earners, is nothing but fiscal populism and anti-social policy making. This would effectively mean that the poor would be subsidizing the rich and the wasteful”.
Angele Deguara, AD Spokesperson for Social Policy and Civil Rights, said: “Apart from progressive NGOs, Alternattiva Demokratika is the only party contesting elections which is calling for a revision of the minimum wage. A recent study by Caritas has proved that we are right in calling for a more just and realistic minimum wage especially considering that thousands of people are living below the poverty line. Joseph Muscat’s statement shows that Labour lacks social conscience despite its rhetoric. Rather than standing up for workers, Labour has shown where its interests really lie”.
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