Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party, endorsed the position of the European Greens who are appealing to the European Commission not give in to bullying tactics of certain governments, and to present legislative proposals on the boardroom quotas issue.
Angele Deguara, AD Spokesperson for Social Policy and Civil Rights, said: “The recent news that the Maltese Government will be opposing the introduction of EU legislation for mandatory quotas for women on public and private companies listed in the stock exchange is worrying. While quotas are in principle not the ideal solution, Malta’s dismal record of female representation in such important decision-making position shows that gender policies so far have not proved successful. AD believes that gender equality policies should aim at making it possible for both qualified women and men to be able to participate in public life without jeopardizing their private responsibilities. As things stand, it is clear that women in Malta have not managed to overcome their traditional barriers while in countries where mandatory quotas were introduced, positive results were registered. AD calls on Minister Chris Said to explain how he plans to address this huge gender imbalance once he is so determined to counter Commissioner Reding’s proposed legislation”.
“Chris Said should concentrate more on the adoption of a gender equality strategy with clear goals and targets, and the improvement of equality standards domestically than to battle Commissioner Reding at European level to preserve the current all male boards of several Maltese companies.”
Michael Briguglio, AD Chairperson, said: “The Government is once again showing its lack of sensitivity towards gender equality. This is not only evident in the quotas issue, but also in other areas such as family and social policies, precarious employment, and representation in all spheres of civil society. As Malta’s progressive party, AD believes that the universal caregiver model should be pursued in social policy. Here everyone, irrespective of one’s sex or status, is able to participate in the public sphere, for example employment, and in the private sphere, for example, in caring roles”.