Balance in Broadcasting: AD welcomes President’s speech

Alternattiva Demokratika – the Green Party – noted with satisfaction that in his speech on the occasion of the 50th anniversary from the foundation of the Broadcasting Authority, the President of the Republic emphasized the right of minority voices to be heard despite their lack of means to own their own TV station.

Carmel Cacopardo, AD spokesperson for Home Affairs, said that the observation made by the President of the Republic regarding whether balance in broadcasting should continue to be measured globally or whether balance should be sought in every individual station, made sense.

Michael Briguglio, AD Chairperson, said: “The present situation, where the Broadcasting Authority insists that the PN and PL stations balance each other out politically is absurd.  Our country needs a broader kind of pluralism and this also counts for the public station owned by the state.  It is also important for the Authority Board not to continue being dominated exclusively by PN and PL representatives”.

Bilanc fix-Xandir: AD tilqa’ d-diskors tal-President

L-Alternattiva Demokratika, the Green Party, osservat b’sodisfazzjon li fid-diskors tieghu fl-okkazjoni tal-50 anniversarju mit-twaqqif tal-Awtorita’ tax-Xandir il-President tar-Repubblika emfasizza d-dritt tal-ilhna minoritarji  li jinstemghu minkejja li m’ghandhomx il-mezzi li jkollhom stazzjon tat-TV taghhom.

Carmel Cacopardo kelliemi ta’ AD ghall-Intern qal li kient f’lokha ukoll l-osservazzjoni tal-President tar-Repubblika dwar jekk il-bilanc fix-Xandir ghandux jibqa’ jkun imkejjel b’mod globali inkella jekk ghadux ikun hemm bilanc fuq kull stazzjon individwali.

Michael Briguglio, Chairperson ta’ AD qal, “Is-sitwazzjoni prezenti, fejn l-Awtorita’ tax-Xandir issostni li l-istazzjonijiet tal-PN u tal-PL iwasslu ghal bilanc politiku, hi wahda assura. Jehtieg li f’pajjizna ikun hemm pluralizmu iktar wiesgha fit-tmexxija tax-xandir, u dan jghodd ukoll ghall-istazzjon tal-istat. Hemm bzonn ukoll li l-bord tal-Awtorita’ ma jibqax jigi iddominat b’mod esklussiv minn rapprezentanti tal-PN u tal-PL”.
