AD welcomes reinstatement of Deborah Schembri in Ecclesiastical Tribunal

AD welcomes the news that the Curia has reinstated Dr Deborah Schembri in the Album of Ecclesiastical Advocates after she was banned from practising in the tribunal during the campaign for the divorce referendum.

Angele Deguara, AD Spokesperson for Social Policy said. “As a party which believes in democracy, pluralism and tolerance, AD welcomes the decision of the Church authorities to let Dr Schembri resume her duties of representing her clients in the ecclesiastical tribunal”. 

Carmel Cacopardo AD Spokesman for Home Affairs said: “It is high time that the Ecclesiastical Tribunal is subject to human rights legislation. The Ecclesiastical Tribunal of the Maltese Curia should not be above the Laws of Malta. It should not be possible anymore for the Ecclesiastical Authorities to penalise anyone for expressing his opinions”. 

Michael Briguglio AD Chairperson, said: “In a truly democratic and secular society, diversity is celebrated and protected within a context of pluralism, reciprocal respect and civil liberties”.
