AD: Good Causes Fund should be fully transparent and accountable

Michael Briguglio, AD Chairperson, said: “Whilst it is positive that the Good Causes Fund is used for initiatives like sports, AD queries on what basis funds were given to Nationalist and Labour MEPs Simon Busuttil and Louis Grech, who were given €20,000 to organise Malta Week in the European Parliament. In the past, NGOs were denied access to such funds on the premise that they were ‘political’, yet the same Fund did not have trouble in granting its limited funds to politicians who already have access to funding for their events. AD is hereby asking on what grounds funds are given to some but denied to others”.
“It is ironic that whilst the Ministry of Finance has no trouble using tax payers money to politicians of its choice, Malta still lacks a proper party financing system. Malta has a free-for-all system as regards donations to political parties and it is more than obvious that this has resulted in a system of political favours. At the same time the state grants funds, at the tune of 100,000 euros each a year, to the Nationalist and Labour Party but is excluding the Green Party”.
Andre ‘ Vella, AD spokesperson for Community Development, said: “The good causes fund should be fully transparent and accountable. We agree that funds should be invested in community initiatives from NGOs, local and sports organisations, civic minded individuals and others, but we disagree that limited funds are given to politicians who already have ample access to public funds”.
AD: l-Fond Ghal Kawzi Gusti ghandu jkun trasparenti u responsabbli
Michael Briguglio, Chairperson ta’ l-AD, qal: “Filwaqt li hija haga tajba li l-Fond Ghal Kawzi Gusti tintuza ghal inizjattivi bhall-isport, l-AD tistaqsi fuq liema bazi inghataw il-fondi lill-MEP Nazzjonalist u dak Laburist, Simon Busuttil u Louis Grech, li inghataw €20,000 sabiex jorganizzaw Malta Week fil-Parlament Ewropew. Fil-passat, kien hemm NGOs li ma inghatawx access ghall-fondi bl-iskuza li dawk kienu “politici”, izda l-istess Fond ma sab l-ebda problema jaghti minn dawk il-fondi limitati lil politici li diga` ghandhom access ghal fondi ghall-attivitajiet taghhom. L-AD, ghaldaqstant, tistaqsi fuq liema bazi dawn il-fondi jinghataw lil xi uhud, u jigu mcahhda lil haddiehor.” 
“Hija ironika li filwaqt li l-Ministeru tal-Finanzi ma ghandu l-ebda problema juza l-flus tan-nies li jhallsu t-taxxa ghal politici li jaghzel hu, Malta ghad m’ghandiex sistema tajba ta’ party financing. Malta ghandha sistema free-for-all vis-à-vis donazzjonijiet li jinghataw lil partiti politici, u hija ovvja li dan irrizulta f’sistema ta’ pjaciri politici. Fl-istess hin, l-istat jaghti fondi ta’ €100,000 fis-sena lill-partit Nazzjonalista u lill-partit Laburista, izda jeskludi lill-Partit tal-Hodor.” 
Andre` Vella, kelliem ta’ l-AD ghall-iZvilupp tal-Komunita`, qal: “Il-fond ghal kawzi gusti ghandu jkun trasparenti u jinzamm responsabbli. Naqblu li l-fondi ghandhom jinvestu f’inizjattivi tal-komunita` mill-NGOs, organizzazzjonijiet lokali u ta’ l-isports, individwi bi hsieb civiku, u ohrajn, izda ma naqblux li fondi limitati ghandhom jinghataw lill-politici li diga` ghandhom access ghal fondi pubbliki.”