Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party reaffirmed its support to FORUM, comprising trade unions representing 12,000 workers, in its bid to form part of the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development. AD’s delegation comprised Chairperson and Spokesperson for Economy and Finance Michael Briguglio; General Secretary and spokesperson for Energy, Industry and Transport Ralph Cassar, and spokesperson for Social Policy Angele Deguara.
Michael Briguglio, AD Chairperson, said: “It is shameful that the Government keeps washing its hands off responsibility and thus excluding FORUM from participating in MCESD. 12,000 workers are therefore without a voice at MCESD”.
In an initial reaction to Government’s budget document, Briguglio appealed to the Government to give priority to realistic compensation to cost of living increases, clean energy, pension reform, education, sustainable and universal healthcare, and sustainable finance, amongst others.
Angele Deguara, Spokesperson for Social Policy, said that: “In order to address the social inequalities and risks which exist in the labour market, a realistic assessment of the cost of living adjustment should be carried out so that the yearly compensation truly reflects the rise in inflation. We also reiterate our call for an increase in the minimum wage which will not only improve the quality of life of low-income earners but also enhance productivity.”
“We also call for a sustainable and just pension reform which would ensure more social justice and a better quality of life for the elderly. One of our proposals is the introduction of a second pillar reserved exclusively for pensions. Furthermore, we do not agree with the requirement that one needs to have worked for 40 years to be entitled to a contributory pension especially in these times of precarious and flexible employment where certain people would be constrained to move in and out of the labour market”.
AD tiltaqa’ mal-Forum
Alternattiva Demokratika sahqet l-appogg taghha lill-FORUM, li hi maghmula minn unjins li jirraprezentaw 12,000 haddiema, fit-talba taghha biex tifforma parti mill-Kunsill Malti ghall-Izvilupp Ekonomiku u Socjali. Id-delegazzjoni ta’ AD kienet maghmula minn Michael Briguglio (Chairperson u Kelliem ghall-Ekonomija u Finanzi) Ralph Cassar (Segretarju Generali u Kelliem ghall-Energija, Industrija u Trasport) u Angele Deguara (Kelliema ghall-Politika Socjali)
Michael Briguglio, Chairperson ta’ AD, qal: ‘Hija xi haga tal-misthija li l-Gvern jibqa’ jfarfar mir-responsabilita’ u b’hekk jeskludi lill-FORUM milli tippartecipa fl-MCESD. B’hekk, 12,000 haddiem huma bla vuci fl-MCESD”.
F’reazzjoni ghad-dokument tal-Gvern dwar il-bagit, Briguglio qal li l-Gvern ghandu jaghti priorita’ ghall-kumpens realistiku ghall-gholi tal-hajja, energija nadifa, riforma fil-penzjonijiiet, edukazzjoni, sistema ta’ sahha sostenibbli u accessibli b’mod universali u finanzi sostenibbli, fost ohrajn.
Angele Deguara, il-Kelliema tal-AD ghall-Politika Socjali, qalet li “Hemm bzonn isir kalkolu realistiku tal-gholi tal-hajja biex meta l-gvern jaghti l-kumpens tal-gholi tal-hajja, dan ikun verament jirrifletti l-inflazzjoni. L-AD terga tishaq li hemm bzonn li tizdied il-paga minima biex mhux biss titjieb il-kwalita tal-hajja tal-haddiema li jaqilghu ftit imma wkoll tizdied il-produttivita.”
“Ahna nheggu wkoll li ssir riforma gusta u sostenibbli fil-penzjonijiet biex ikun hemm aktar gustizzja socjali u biex l-anzjani ikollhom kwalita ta’ hajja ahjar. Wahda mill-proposti taghna hija li ghandu jkun hemm pillar iehor li d-dhul minnu jkun rizervat biss ghall-penzjonijiet. Barra minn hekk ma naqblux li biex persuna tiehu penzjoni kontributorja, din trid tkun ilha tahdem ghal erbghin sena specjalment illum il-gurnata fejn qed jizdied ix-xoghol prekarju u x-xoghol flessibbli u fejn certi nies ikunu kostretti li jidhlu u johorgu fis-suq tax-xoghol.”