With complicit institutions the fight against corruption is an uphill struggle

“Our country is sick and requires urgent care. Corruption was not born in the 21st century but has been with us for ages. Unfortunately today we are facing institutions that are for all intents and purposes accomplices with criminals as they are not carrying out the duties expected of them in a democratic state. This fact makes the struggle against corruption into a more dangerous struggle as the institutions which supposedly defending society are instead undermining it.” This was stated by ADPD – The Green Party Chairperson Carmel Cacopardo when presented with the book “Pilatus: A Laundromat Bank in Europe” by its author Dr Robert Aquilina, President of NGO Repubblika.

For ADPD, a progressive party, the struggle for good governance is of a fundamental nature in a democratic society. Bad governance and corruption are a threat to democracy itself. What Repubblika is fighting for is our struggle too. It is the struggle of each and every Maltese citizen who is determined to ensure that our country moves forward, not backwards.

“It is appreciated that you chose to make this presentation to deliver the clear message that you are aware that your cause is everybody’s independently of their political colour. It is not a blue cause but a red and green cause too”, concluded Cacopardo.


B’istituzzjonijiet prattikament kompliċi: l-ġlieda kontra l-korruzzjoni hi iktar kiefra

“Il-pajjiż marid u għandu bżonn kura urġenti. Il-korruzzjoni mhix fenomenu tas-seklu 21, ilha magħna s-snin. L-isfortuna tal-lum hi li għandna istituzzjonijiet li huma prattikament kompliċi mal-kriminali għax mhux qed jagħmlu xogħolhom kif mistenni minnhom f’soċjetà demokratika. Dan il-fatt jagħmel il-ġlieda kontra l-korruzzjoni iktar kiefra. Għax min suppost qed jiddefendi lis-soċjetà qiegħed jimmina minn taħt. ” Dan qalu Carmel Cacopardo Chairperson ta’ ADPD – The Green Party meta saritlu preżentazzjoni tal-ktieb Pilatus: A Laundromat Bank in Europe mill-awtur tal-ktieb Dr Robert Aquilina, President tal-NGO Repubblika.

Għal ADPD, partit progressiv, il-ġlieda għall-governanza tajba hi fundamentali f’soċjetà demokratika. It-tmexxija ħażina u l-korruzzjoni huma theddida kbira għad-demokrazija nnifisha. Il-kawża li qed tmexxi ‘l quddiem Repubblika hi l-kawża tagħna ukoll. Hi l-kawża ta’ kull Malti u Maltija li jixtiequ jaraw lill-pajjiżhom jimxi ‘l quddiem.

“Napprezza li ġiekom il-ħsieb li tagħmlu din il-preżentazzjoni għax biha qed tagħtu messaġġ ċar li intom konxji illi l-kawża li qed tmexxu ‘l quddiem hi l-kawża ta’ kulħadd: mhix kawża blu, iżda hi ħamra u ħadra ukoll,” temm jgħid Cacopardo.
