The consequences of delayed action with respect to the construction industry

The facade of the building that collapsed in Triq Belvedere in Il-Gżira means once again that nobody involved from contractors, professionals, to the authorities seem to have learned anything from the serious incidents that happened in the past. Fortunately, it seems that no one was hurt. But this is just ‘good luck’.

ADPD-The Green Party Chairperson Sandra Gauci said that this is what happens when the necessary procedures take too long and those clearly responsible face practically no consequences.

The Government has so far handled the construction industry with kids’ gloves. These are the consequences.


Il-konsegwenzi tat-tkaxkir tas-saqajn fejn tidħol l-industrija tal-kostruzzjoni

Il-faċċata tal-bini li waqgħet fi Triq Belvedere il-Gżira  tfisser għal darba oħra li għad hawn min ma tgħallem xejn mill-inċidenti gravi li ġraw. B’xorti tajba jidher li ma weġġa’ ħadd. Imma dan ma hu mertu ta’ ħadd. 

Iċ-Chairperson tal-ADPD-The Green Party Sandra Gauci qalet li dan li jiġri meta l-proċeduri meħtieġa jdumu għaddejjin u min hu b’mod ċar responsabbli, prattikament ma jeħel xejn. 

Il-Gvern sal-lum mexa bl-ingwanti mal-industrija tal-kostruzzjoni. Dawn huma l-konsegwenzi.
