The story on Lovin Malta today, describing how an armed hunter, in his frenzied chase, entered Vincent’s Ecofarm in Mġarr and started shooting in the direction of farm workers, endangering their safety and terrorising them in the process brings to the forefront the arrogance of some hunters. These kinds of incidents are not uncommon. ADPD – The Green Party expresses solidarity with the farm workers and the owners of Vincent’s Ecofarm. Apart from the sheer arrogance of those who think they have the right to hunt from wherever they please, this kind of irresponsible and dangerous behaviour with firearms is unacceptable.
“Hunters have been pampered time and again by Robert Abela, Bernard Grech, their predecessors and their respective parties. They think they are some kind of special breed, who can do what they want, whenever they want and wherever they want. They were told that they ‘love nature’, and that their fixation, outdated and destructive as it is, is some kind of ‘national pastime’ worth preserving. The PLPN alliance have long pandered to the whims and demands of the hunting lobby, implying a reassurance that they may do as they please, unhindered and unfettered with utter disregard for nature, our countryside and fellow citizens”, said ADPD Chairperson Carmel Cacopardo.
ADPD expresses solidarity with the victims and hopes that the culprit may be apprehended to face justice. Hunters who abuse of their license to carry firearms should be disqualified for life from carrying firearms.
ADPD tesprimi solidarjetà mal-ħaddiema u s-sidien ta’ Vincent’s Ecofarm
L-istorja fuq Lovin Malta illum, li tirrapporta kif kaċċatur armat, fil-ġenn tiegħu biex jispara fuq tajra, qabad u daħal fl-għelieqi ta’ Vincent’s Ecofarm fl-Imġarr, u qabad jispara b’mod perikoluż fid-direzzjoni tal-ħaddiema, terġa ġġib għall-attenzjoni tagħna lkoll l-arroganza ta’ xi kaċċaturi. Dawn mhux inċidenti rari. ADPD tesprimi solidarjetà mal-ħaddiema u s-sidien ta’ Vincent’s Ecofarm. Apparti illi diġa mhux aċċettabbli li xi kaċċatur iħoss li għandu xi dritt sagrosant li jispara fejn u meta jrid, dan l-aġir perikoluż u irresponsabbli bl-armi m’hu aċċettabbli qatt.
“Lill-kaċċaturi tawhom l-arja, u kif irrappurtat illum fuq lovinmalta hawn uħud minnhom li jagħmlu li jridu, fejn iridu u meta jridu. Bernard Grech, Robert Abela, il-predeċessuri tagħhom u l-partiti tagħhom huma responsabbli għal dan kollu. Hawn kaċċaturi li jaħsbu li huma xi nies speċjali, li jistgħu jagħmlu li jridu, fejn iridu u meta jridu. Hawn min qalilhom li huma ‘jħobbu n-natura’, u li l-fissazzjoni tagħhom, għalkemm illum saret anakorniżmu, hija xi tip ta’ ‘passatemp nazzjonali’, li ta’ min wieħed jinkoraġġieh. L-alleanza PLPN ilhom jilgħaqu u jċedu għat-theddid tal-kaċċaturi. Tant huma bla sinsla li l-PLPN joqgħodulhom u jtuhom x’jifmhu li jistgħu jagħmlu li jfettilhom a skapitu tagħna lkoll”, qal iċ-Chairperson ta’ ADPD Carmel Cacopardo.
Nesprimu s-solidarjetà tagħna mall-ħaddiema u l-operaturi ta’ Vincent’s Ecofarm, u nisperaw li min wettaq dan l-abbuż perikoluż u irresponsabbli jiffaċċja l-ġustizzja. Min jabbuża mil-liċenzja li jġorr arma tan-nar għandu jkun skwalifikat għal għomru milli jġorr l-armi.