Migration: Muscat does well in adopting Green position

With reference to today’s meeting with Greek Prime Minister Samaras, AD chairperson Prof. Arnold Cassola said: “Prime Minister Muscat does well to adopt Green thinking and wording. First he took up our cry for the revision of the Dublin Treaty. Now he speaks of responsibility sharing. You are on the right track, Prime Minister. Keep it up. Much better than your heartless and illegal pushback outburst a few weeks ago.”

Fil-kuntest tal-laqgħa tal-lum mal-Prim Ministru Grieg, ic-chairperson ta’ AD Prof. Arnold Cassola qal: “Il-Prim Ministru Muscat jagħmel sew li qiegħed jaddotta l-ħsieb u l-lingwaġġ tal-Ħodor.  L-ewwel tenna l-għajta tagħna biex issir reviżjoni tal-konvenzjoni tat-Trattat ta’ Dublin. Issa qiegħed jitkellem dwar il-qsim tar-responsabbilta’. Miexi fit-triq it-tajba, Prim Ministru. Ibqa’ sejjer hekk. Ħafna aħjar mir-retorika bla qalb tal-pushbacks illegali ta’ ftit ġimghat ilu.”
