Parteċipazzjoni b’ġest ta’ solidarjeta’

Alternattiva Demokratika għada se tiehu sehem fid-dimostrazzjoni li se ssir fl-isfond tal-qtil ta’ Daphne Caruana Galizia.  Dan qalu Carmel Cacopardo Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika.

Alternattiva Demorkatika turi solidarjeta’ ma kull min jivvalorizza l-ħsieb u l-espressjoni ħielsa f’pajjiżna li bħalissa jinsabu mhedda.

Alternattiva Demokratika se tipparteċipa wkoll għax tħoss li dan l-att barbaru għandu jsaħħaħ il-fehma tal-Maltin kollha favur il-bżonn ta’ istituzzjonijiet tal-istat bħala tarka b’saħħita tal-valur tal-espressjoni ħielsa u l-ħarsien tal-liġi.  AD tkompli tinsisti fuq riformi urġenti u mill-qiegħ ta’ dawn l-istituzzjonijiet flimkien ma riformi kostituzzjonali tant meħtieġa f’pajjiżna.

Dan il-mument ikrah fl-istorja tagħna għandu jissarraf f’sinjal ċar lil min għandu responsabbilta tat-tmexxija tal-pajjiż biex jieqaf it-tkaxkir tas-saqajn u llum qabel għada iniedi dan il-proċess ta’ riformi biex titreġġa’ lura l-impressjoni distinta ta’ stat dgħajjef u inkompetenti.

Fl-aħħar mill-aħħar, ikkonkluda Cacopardo, il-parteċipazzjoni ta’ Alternattiva Demokjratika hi  ġest ta’ solidarjeta’ mal-familjari tas-Sinjura Caruana Galizia f’mument daqshekk diffiċli.


AD expresses its solidarity with anyone who values freedom of thought and freedom of expression in our country

AD Chairperson Carmel Cacopardo said that the Greens will tomorrow will take part in the demonstration in Valletta following the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia.

Alternattiva Demokratika expresses its solidarity with anyone who values freedom of thought and freedom of expression in our country. Values which are under threat.

AD will participate because we feel that this barbaric act should strengthen the resolve of all Maltese who favour the need for reform to state institutions, transforming them into a strong shield of the value of free expression and the rule of law.

AD continues to insist on urgent reforms of these institutions along with much needed constitutional reforms.

This tragic moment in our history should translate into action and a clear signal by those in a position of power and authority in this country that they are serious about reforms. They need to stop their procrastination and launch the reform process to reverse the perception, based on our history as a nation, of a weak and incompetent state.

Most importantly, concluded Cacopardo, the participation of Alternattiva Demokratika is a gesture of solidarity with the family of Mrs Caruana Galizia in this sad and difficult moment.
