Minn gvern għal ieħor favur l-ispekulaturi

Alternattiva Demokratika hi u tikkummenta dwar ir-riżoluzzjoni li se titressaq fil-Parlament dwar l-art pubblika f’idejn il-Corinthia Group f’Pembroke osservat li anke hawn se jinbidlu l-kundizzjonijiet oriġinali li kien approva l-Parlament snin ilu biex issa din ukoll ikun possibbli li tkun spekulata. Il-kundizzjonijiet skandalużi fil-kuntratt tad-db Group issa se jkunu applikati wkoll għall-Corinthia.

Dan qalu Ralph Cassar Segretarju Generali ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika li żied jgħid li Konrad Mizzi, li qed iressaq il-mozzjoni fil-Parlament qed juża l-iskuża tad-db Group biex jigġġustifika li tingħata aktar u aktar art għall-ispekulazzjoni u għal proġetti li jnaqqsu l-kwalità tal-ħajja tar-residenti ta’ Pembroke u San Ġiljan. Dan jikkonferma kemm il-Gvern hu favur spekulazzjoni bla rażan u favur l-ispekulatur minflok favur in-nies.

“Nistgħu nkomplu nikkonfermaw kif is-sistema PLPN hija sistema favur l-interessi tal-ftit.”


Speculators favoured over everyone else

Alternattiva Demokratika expresses its dismay and anger at a resolution in Parliament for the change in conditions of use of public land occupied by the Corinthia Group in Pembroke. The new conditions will mean that now the land can be used for speculation in real estate. The obscene conditions in the government’s contract for the transfer of land to the db Group will now be extended to the Corinthia Group as well.

Alternattiva Demokratika Secretary General Ralph Cassar said: “Konrad Mizzi, who is piloting the motion is Parliament is justifying this deal by referring to the obscene db Group deal. These deals means more property speculation on public land. These deals favour the powerful few over the interests and quality of life of the residents of Pembroke and Saint Julians. The deal further confirms that Government is in favour of rampant property speculation and that it favours speculators over everyone else. It is further confirmation that the PLPN system is a system which favours the few over the many.”
