Marsaxlokk: Power station extension could be run with gasoil – AD

In a press conference in Marsaxlokk, Alternattiva Demokratika . the Green Party appealed to government for the power station extension to be run on gasoil, rather than heavy fuel oil. AD also insisted on urgent investment in alternative and clean energy in the next budget.
Carmel Cacopardo Spokesperson on Sustainable Development and Home Affairs said: “notwithstanding the complex and complicated process the Delimara Power Extension has been through, the plant can be run on both Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) and gasoil (diesel)”.
“It is a known fact, highlighted through documentation available to the public, that gasoil has a lower environmental impact than HFO, both due to impact on the air due to emissions, as well as the by way of the fact that gasoil doesn ft produce hazardous waste.”
“The air quality in Marsaxlokk as well as the surrounding localities is already of dubious quality and MEPA has the duty to ensure that gasoil and not HFO is used while deliberating the Delimara power station environmental permit. Civil society has already expressed itself that the financial outlay to use gasoil does not exceed that cost if HFO is used. This before taking into consideration the expenses involved to dispose of the hazardous waste generated in a specialised landfill in Italy or elsewhere.”
“The costs to be paid by society are, however, not just financial in nature. There are also social and environmental costs. The environmental costs resulting from the use of gasoil are much less than those resulting from using HFO, as the Marsa experience clearly shows. Weight has to be given to social costs as reflected primarily in respiratory ailments wherever there is a lowering of air quality. If Government is willing it can still remedy the situation by considering afresh its decision and selecting gasoil as the operating fuel.”
Michael Briguglio, AD Chairperson and Spokesperson on Economy and Finance said: “To date, Government fails to give priority to the efficient use of clean energy that can be obtained from sources such as the sun and wind. Despite the introduction of some positive measures and despite plans for capital projects in this regard, Malta keeps trailing behind other countries in the European Union. As an EU member, Malta is obliged to produce 10% of its energy from renewable sources by 2020, and it can only add CO2 emissions by 5% when compared to 2005 “.
“Therefore, AD expects that the forthcoming budget will include not only sporadic initiatives and plans which remain only on paper, but a holistic policy which truly gives priority to this sector. In this way, Malta will be able to reduce its dependence on dirty energy with both economic and environmental benefits. Government should give priority to capital projects, and to fiscal measures and incentives which are holistic and not restrictive. We expect Government spending to be appropriate, and not merely ceremonial”.
Ralph Cassar, Secretary General and spokesperson on energy, industry and transport said:”It is difficult to trust the government and Enemalta with the operations of the Delimara power station extension. This is due to continuous efforts to pass false information to the public or omit certain truths. How can we trust Enemalta when it turns on and off the precipitators at Marsa power station (which collect the dust created from HFO) at will? Or after hiding behind investigations and keeping the report secret for six months, after the postponement of the consideration of the black dust problem? How can we trust the rhetoric when Enemalta and the government hid the mecaptan burnings in Imgarr? The Prime Minister, despite his rhetoric on health and the environment, failed miserably in this area “.
Il-Gvern ma jistax jigi fdat fuq il-power station


Marsaxlokk: L-estensjoni tal-Power Station jista’ jahdem bil-gasoil – AD

F ‘Konferenza stampa gewwa Marsaxlokk, l-Alternattiva Demokratika appellat lill-Gvern biex l-estensjoni tal-Power tahdem bil-gasoil u mhux bil-heavy fuel oil. AD sahqet ukoll dwar l-urgenza ghaz-zieda fl-investiment fl-energija alternattiva u nadifa fil-bagit li jmiss.

Carmel Cacopardo kelliemi dwar l-Izvilupp Sostenibbli u l-Intern qal: “minkejja l-kumplikazzjonijiet kollha li kienet involuta fihom l-estensjoni tal-Power Station ta’ Delimara l-impjant finali jista’ jahdem kemm bil-Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) kif ukoll bil-gasoil (diesel) “.
“Huwa fatt maghruf u sottolineat mid-dokumentazzjoni kollha disponibbli ghall-pubbliku li l-gasoil ghandu inqas impatti ambjentali mill-HFO u dan kemm mill-impatt fuq l-arja permezz tal-emmissjonijiet kif ukoll billi ma jipproducix skart perikoluz (hazardous waste) “.
“II-kwalita` tal-arja diga` hi wahda prekarja kemm f’Marsaxlokk kif ukoll fl-inhawi tal-madwar u l-MEPA ghaldaqstant ghandha l-obbligu illi hi u tiddeciedi dwar il-permess ambjentali ghall-operazzjoni tal-estensjoni tal-Power Station ta’ Delimara tassigura illi jintuza l-gasoil (diesel) u mhux il-Heavy Fuel Oil. Is-socjeta` civili diga` esprimiet ruhha illi l-ispiza ekonomika ghall-uzu tal-gasoil mhix iktar minn dik tal-HFO u dan qabel ma tiehu in konsiderazzjoni l-ispejjez tat-trasport tal-iskart perikoluz minn Malta ghall-Italja jew xi pajjiz iehor li jkun lest li jiddisponi minn dan l-iskart.”
“L-ispejjez li trid thallas is-socjeta` m’humiex biss dawk ekonomici : hemm ukoll spejjez socjali kif ukoll spejjez ambjentali. L-impatti ambjentali li jirrizultaw mill-uzu tal-gasoil huma ferm inqas minn dawk meta jintuza l-HFO, kif diga` ghandna l-esperjenza fil-Marsa. Iridu naghtu kaz iktar ukoll tal-ispejjez socjali u dan kif riflessi f’mard principalment respiratorju fejn tonqos il-kwalita` tal-arja.”
“Jekk irid il-Gvern ghadu f’pozizzjoni li jirrimedja is-sitwazzjoni billi jqis mill-gdid id-decizjoni u jaghzel li l-estensjoni tal-Power Station tahdem bil-gasoil.”
Michael Briguglio, Chairperson u Kelliem ghall-Ekonomija u Finanzi qal: “Sa llum il-Gvern jibqa’ ma jaghtix prijorita ghall-uzu efficjenti tal-energija nadifa li nistghu ngibu minn sorsi bhax-xemx u r-rih. Minkejja li dahhal xi mizuri pozittivi, u minkejja l-pjanijiet ghal progetti kapitali f’dan ir-rigward, Malta tibqa lura hafna meta mqabbla ma f pajjizi ohrajn fl-Unjoni Ewropea. Bhala membru tal-UE, Malta ghandha l-obbligu li tipproduci 10 fil-mija tal-energija minn sorsi rinnovabbli sa l-2020, u tista izzid l-emmissjoni ta’ CO2 b’hamsa fil-mija biss sal-istess sena, meta mqabbla mal-2005.”
“Ghalhekk, AD tistenna li l-bagit li gej jinkludi mhux biss xi inizjattivi sporadici u xi pjanijiet fuq il-karta, izda li jkun hemm politika holistika li verament taghti prijorita lil dan is-settur. B’hekk, Malta tkun tista tnaqqas id-dipendenza fuq l-energija mahmuga, u dan ikun ta’ beneficcju ambjentali u ekonomiku. Il-Gvern ghandu jaghti prijorita lil progetti kapitali u lil mizuri u ncentivi fiskali holistici u mhux restrittivi. Nawgura li n-nefqa tal-Gvern tkun wahda xierqa u mhux wahda cerimonjali.”
Ralph Cassar, Segretarju Generali u kelliem dwar l-energija, l-industija u t-trasport qal: “Hu difficli li wiehed jafda lill-Gvern u lill-Enemalta dwar l-operat tal-estensjoni tal-Power Station ta’ Delimara. Dan minhabba li kontinwament jippruvaw jisqu lill-opinjoni pubblika informazzjoni li mhix korreta jew inkella jichdu is-sewwa maghruf. Kif nistghu nafdaw l-Enemalta meta titfi jew tixghel il-precipitators tal-Marsa x’hin ifettlilha (li jilqghu t-trab mahluq mill-HFO tal-Power Station tal-Marsa)? Jew wara li giet posposta il-konsiderazzjoni tal-problema tat-trab iswed tinheba wara investigazzjoni u zzomm mistur ir-rapport ghal sitt xhur shah? Kif nistghu nafdaw ir-retorika meta l-Enemalta u l-gvern hbew il-hruq tal-mecaptan fl-Imgarr? Il-Prim Ministru, minkejja r-retorika tieghu fuq is-sahha u l-ambjent, falla bil-kbir f’dal-qasam.”
Il-Gvern ma jistax jigi fdat fuq il-power station