“Alternattiva Demokratika tilqa’ b’sodisfazzjoni il-pubblikazzjoni tal-White Paper dwar is-suq tal-kera tal-propjetà residenzjali. Mingħajr f’dan l-istadju ma nidħlu fid-dettall tal-proposti ippreżentati, napprezzaw li din il-pubblikazzjoni hi sforz serju u ġenwin biex għall-ewwel darba f’ħafna snin ikollna diskussjoni serja dwar din il-materja b’mod li jkunu indirizzati l-interessi u l-aspettattivi ta’ dawk kollha interessati.”
Dan qalu Carmel Cacopardo Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika illum bħala l-ewwel reazzjoni wara l-pubblikazzjoni tal-White Paper dwar is-suq tal-kera tal-propjeta residenzjali.
Carmel Cacopardo kompla jgħid: “Il-fatt li ilna is-snin bla suq tal-kera ħaj fisser li tul dawn l-aħħar sebgħin sena u iktar il-liġi ftit li xejn tat każ tad-dettalji importanti li jħarsu id-drittijiet tal-partijiet b’mod li illum, fis-suq tal-kera hawn ġungla: b’min jiflaħ iħawwel.”
“Matul il-ġranet li ġejjin, Alternattiva Demokratika”, ikkonkluda Cacopardo, “ser tagħti l-fehma dettaljata tagħha dwar dan id-dokument.”
Rental market of residential units – at last an effort to tackle the issue in detail
“Alternattiva Demokratika-The Green Party welcomes the publication of the White Paper on the rental market of residential units. Without at this stage going into specific issues dealt in the White Paper we appreciate that this publication is a genuine effort to tackle the issue in some detail, focusing on the rights and obligations of all stakeholders”.
This was stated by Carmel Cacopardo Chairperson of Alternattiva Demokratika-The Green Party as a first reaction after the publication of the White Paper on the residential rental market.
Carmel Cacopardo added: “Having been without an effective rental market for more than 70 years means that our legislation has not been kept abreast of the rights and duties of landlords and tenants. We have ended with a real jungle where the economically mighty rule and the weak and vulnerable try to struggle on, often without success.”
“In the next few days, AD will”, concluded Cacopardo “give its views on the document in detail.”