“Michael Falzon imissu irriżenja sitt xhur ilu, flimkien mad-Direttur Ġenerali tat-Taqsima tal-Propjeta’ tal-Gvern.” Dan qalu Carmel Cacopardo Deputat Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika huwa u jikkummenta dwar ir-rapport tal-Awditur Ġenerali fuq il-kaz tal-espropjazzjoni ta’ propjeta’ fi Triq iż-Żekka l-Qadima, l-Belt Valletta.
Ir-rapport tal-Awditur huwa kundanna tat-Taqsima tal-Propjeta’ tal-Gvern li bdiet il-proċess ta’ espropjazzjoni mingħajr ma kien hemm ġustifikazzjoni għal dan fl-interess pubbliku. Huwa wkoll kundanna ċara tal-ex-Segretarju Parlamentari Michael Falzon li ma kienx kapaċi jissorvelja l-operat tat-Taqsima tal-Propjeta’ tal-Gvern.
Ir-riżenja ta’ Michael Falzon minn Segretarju Parlamentari kien pass korrett imma sitt xhur tard. Michael Falzon imissu irriżenja f’Lulju li għadda wara li ġie ipprezentat ir-rapport tal-Internal Audit and Investigations Department (IAID). Dakinhar bħala riżultat ta’ dan ir-rapport kien irriżenja id-Direttur Ġenerali tat-Taqsima tal-Propjeta’ tal-Gvern bl-iskuża ta’ raġunijiet personali.
Cacopardo ikkonkluda li huwa tajjeb li l-Prim Ministru ħabbar riformi fil-mod kif għandha tkun amministrata l-art propjeta’ pubblika għax tal-inqas b’hekk hemm ċans li minn dan il-każ il-pajjiż jibbenefika billi jkunu introdotti proċeduri li jħarsu l-interess pubbliku.
PR20/1/2016 Michael Falzon should have resigned 6 months ago
AD Deputy Chairperson Carmel Cacopardo said that MIchael Falzon should have resigned six months ago, when the Director General of the Government Property Division had resigned. Cacopardo was commenting on the Auditor General’s report regarding the expropriation of property in Old Mint Street, in Valletta.
The Auditor General’s report is a clear condemnation of the way in which the Government’s Property Division started the expropriation process without clear justification of the public interest for such an expropriation. The report is also clear that former Parliamentary Secretary’s Falzon was not capable and competent enough to oversee the operations of the property division under his watch.
Michael Falzon’s resignation was the correct way forward, although he should have done so six months ago when the Internal Audit and Investigations Department’s (IAID) report was published. In July, last year, the Director General of the Government Property Division had tendered his resignation citing ‘personal reasons’.
Carmel Cacopardo said:”The Prime Minister said that the administration of public land will be reformed. Let’s hope that the country will benefit from this saga through procedures which safeguard the public interest in the administration of public land and property.”