AD Chairperson Arnold Cassola said: “Prime Minister Muscat said yesterday that the ‘university’ project in the south of Malta will take place and will be better than originally proposed. Speaking during the last meeting in the series Gvern li Jisma, Dr Muscat said that part of the project will be in Marsaskala and part of it elsewhere in the south. Alternattiva Demokratika reiterates that the Prime Minister should stop playing about with words. We need a clear answer to the question.”
“Has the idea of touching upon the Nature Park in Żonqor been scrapped? A simple clear answer: Yes or No?”
For AD it is amply clear, Żonqor point is to remain untouched and remain a park as approved by the Minister responsible for planning in the 2006 Local Plan.
“AD is proud of its consistency. As in had done in 1995, when it worked with others to save the Munxar peninsula in Saint Thomas Bay from aggressive development, twenty years after, it will continue working to save the last remianing open spaces for the people living in the south of the island.”
Ic-Chairperson ta’ AD Arnold Cassola qal: “Waqt l-ahhar laqgha pubblika mis-sensiela Gvern li jisma’ il-PM Muscat ‘il bierah qali li l-progett tal-“universita” fin-nofsinhar ta’ Malta se jkun ahjar milli propost originarjament. Qal li parti mill-bini se jsir f’Marsaskala u parti ohra f’post iehor fin-nofsinhar tal-pajjiz.”
“Nishqu li l-Prim Ministru ghandu jieqaf jilghab bil-kliem u jkun car: se jsir bini fiz-Zonqor? Ir-risposta ghandha tkun cara u semplici: iva jew le?”
“Ghal AD iz-Zonqor ghandu jibqa’ bla mittiefes, bhala park naturali, kif indikat fil-Pjan Lokali tal-2006. AD kburija li kienet hadmet ma ohrajn biex tigi salvata il-ponta tal-Munxar fil-Bajja ta’ San Tumas minn zvilupp turistiku insostenibbli lura fl-1995, u din id-darba wkoll, ghoxrin sena wara se tkompli tahdem biex in-nies tan-nofsinhar ta’ Malta ikollhom spazji miftuha xi jgawdu.”