As part of its activities for workers’ day, Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party visited the ‘Smart Light Systems’ factory in Mosta Techopark, which produces energy-efficient LED light products. AD commended the company for being involved in sustainable methods of production.
Michael Briguglio, AD Chairperson and Spokesperson for Economy and Finance, said: “Together with other green parties, trade unions, experts and the United Nations, AD shares the vision of the Green New Deal, which aims to generate green jobs in areas such as education, IT, transport, tourism, waste management, agriculture and so forth. This presents a win-win situation, where job creation and environmental protection are synthesised. Yet, like all other sectors of the economy, one must ensure that such new jobs are not precarious. Sociological research shows that trade unions and NGOs are conscious of the benefits of green jobs. Yet it remains to be seen whether more employers are ready to go for more sustainable investment and whether the government is ready to give more incentives beyond vague goals”.
Angele Deguara, AD Spokesperson for Social Policy, said: “As a Green Party, AD has been promoting green jobs for some time now since it acknowledges their benefits for the environment, the economy and consequently for society as a whole. When investment in green jobs is combined with decent conditions of work for employees, the project is even more commendible. We hope there will be more initiatives of the kind in the private sector and we urge the Government to create the right economic climate for such initiatives to materialise.”
Jum il-Haddiem – AD titkellem dwar l-importanza tal-Green Jobs
Bhala parti mill-attivitajiet taghha ghal jum il-haddiem, Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party zaret il-fabbriks ‘Smart Light Systems’ fil-Mosta Technopark li tipproduci prodotti tad-dawl LED li juzaw inqas energija. AD fahhret lill-kumpanija tas-sehem taghha f’metodi ta’ produzzjoni sostenibbli.
Michael Briguglio, Chairperson ta’ AD u kelliem ghall-Ekonomija u Finanzi, qal: “Flimkien ma’ partiti hodor ohrajn, ma’ unjins tal-haddiema u mal-Gnus Maghquda, AD tappoggja l-vizjoni tal-Green New Deal. Din il-vizjoni taspira ghall-generazzjoni ta’ green jobs f’oqsma bhall-edukazzjoni, informatika, trasport, turizmu, immaniggjar ta’ l-iskart, agrikultura u ohrajn. Permezz ta’ dan, jinholoq ix-xoghol filwaqt li jigi protett l-ambjent. Izda, l-istess bhal f’kull settur iehor ta’ l-ekonomija, ghandu jigi zgurat li impjiegi godda ma jkunux prekarji. Ricerka socjologika turi li unjins tal-haddiema u ghaqdiet ta’ l-ambjent f’Malta huma konxji dwar il-beneficcji ta’ green jobs. Izda ghad irridu naraw jekk iktar sidien humiex lesti jirrikorru ghal iktar investiment sostenibbli u jekk il-Gvern huwiex lest jaghti iktar incentiv f’dan il-qasam”.
Angele Deguara, Kelliema tal-AD ghall-Politika Socjali, qalet: “Bhala Green Party, AD ilha tippromwovi l-green jobs ghal xi zmien minhabba li taghraf il-beneficcji taghhom kemm ghall-ambjent u l-ekonomija kif ukoll ghas-socjeta in generali. Meta l-investiment fil-green jobs jigi kkumbinat ma’ kundizzjonijiet dicenti ghall-haddiema, il-progett huwa aktar ta’ min ifahhru. Ahna nittamaw li jkun hawn aktar inizjattivi ta’ din ix-xorta mis-settur privat u nheggu lill-Gvern biex johloq il-klima addattata biex progetti bhal dawn ikunu jistghu jitwettqu.”