Who is Robert Abela protecting?

Following the vote that took place in Parliament yesterday, on whether or not a public inquiry should be held on the case of Jean Paul Sofia, it is clear that the Labour Party and particularly the Prime Minister Robert Abela is very uncomfortable with this case. It is inevitable that people ask who the PL and the Prime Minister are protecting. What does Robert Abela want to hide?

It evident more than ever that we are living in a country led by people for who their personal interests and the interests of those around them are more important than justice. We have a clan of protected individuals, then there are the rest, second-class citizens.

ADPD – The Green Party Chairperson Sandra Gauci said:”We are four-square behind Jean Paul Sofia’s mother and father. A mother ignored by the Prime Minister, who however, together with Jean Paul’s father and family, has the support of thousands of Maltese people of all political leanings and opinions. If we were in a normal country, there would have already been demands for the resignation of the Prime Minister. What is Robert Abela trying to hide? It seems that the Prime Minister does not want justice to be done, wants some facts to remain secret and forgotten as soon as possible. Malta deserves leaders who are able to distinguish right from wrong, the Prime Minister on the other hand resorts to sophistry to try and justify Labour’s stance on this issue. 

We are asking for the resignation of Robert Abela as Prime Minister due to serious suspicions of attempts to cover up the truth in a case in which a young man lost his life. Robert Abela will obviously not resign of his own volition, so we ask that the few Labour MPs who may have some courage, to be the ones to demand that Robert Abela steps down. All the facts that Abela and his friends seem to be keen to hide need to see the light of day, for the sake of justice.”


Lil min qed jipproteġi Robert Abela?

Wara l-votazzjoni li saret ilbieraħ fil-Parlament dwar jekk għandhiex issir jew le l-inkjesta pubblika dwar il-każ ta’ Jean Paul Sofia, jidher bic-ċar li l-Partit Laburista u partikolarment il-Prim Ministru Robert Abela hu skomdu ħafna b’dan il-każ. Bilfors tqum il-mistoqsija: lil min qed tipproteġu u xi tridu taħbu?

Evidenti iktar minn qatt qabel li qed ngħixu f’pajjiż immexxi minn nies li għalihom l-interessi personali u ta’ dawk ta’ madwarhom huwa aktar importanti mill-ġustizzja. Hemm kukkanja ta’ nies protetti, imbagħad hemm il-kumplament, ċittadini tat-tieni klassi.

Iċ-Chairperson ta’ ADPD – The Green Party Sandra Gauci qalet:”Aħna wara omm u missier Jean Paul Sofia! Omm injorata mill-Prim Ministru, imma omm, missier u familja li għandhom l-appoġġ ta’ eluf kbar ta’ Maltin ta’ kull kulur u opinjoni. Kieku qegħdin f’pajjiż normali tintalab ir-riżenja tal-Prim Ministru. Huwa ovvju li nistaqsu x’qed jipprova jaħbi Robert Abela. Jidher li ma għandux għal qalbu li ssir ġustizzja, donnu jrid li xi affarijiet jibqgħu mistura u jintesew kemm jista’ jkun malajr. Malta jixirqilha mexxejja li kapaċi jagħrfu t-tajjeb mil-ħażin, u mhux min jilgħab bil-kliem u jidħaq f’wiċċ pajjiż sħiħ. 

Qed nitolbu għar-riżenja ta’ Robert Abela minn Prim Ministru minħabba suspetti serji ta’ ħabi f’każ fejn żgħażugħ tilef ħajtu. Billi nafu li Robert Abela mhux se jitħarrek, nitolbu lil ftit Membri Parlamentari Laburisti li forsi għandhom xi ftit kuraġġ, biex ikunu huma li jitolbu li Robert Abela jwarrab. L-intriċċi ta’ Abela u sħabu hemm bżonn li jaraw id-dawl tax-xemx, f’ġieħ il-ġustizzja.”
