Perit Carmel Cacopardo in an animated discussion

What are the BCA actually doing?

Mhux aħjar tal-BCA jgħidulna eżattament x’inhuma jagħmlu? 

Il-Perit Carmel Cacopardo, Deputat Chairperson ta’ ADPD – The Green Party qal,“wara l-inċident tal-lum f’Tas-Sliema fejn miet ħaddiem ieħor fuq sit tal-kostruzzjoni, hu opportun li l-BCA tgħidilna x’inhuma jagħmlu l-membri tal-ispettorat. Joqgħodu jistennew il-bajtra taqa’ f’ħalqhom biex jaġixxu dwar irregolarita? Għaliex ma’ ndunawx li kien  għaddej xogħol li ma kienx kopert minn permessi?”

Sandra Gauci, Chairperson u kandidat tal-ADPD – The Green Party qalet, “Din hija traġedja oħra rifless tal-menefregiżmu li hemm hemm barra fejn kulħadd jagħmel li jfettillu, ċert li mhux se jbati l-konsegwenzi. Li kieku ma kellniex dan l-inċident min kien se jinduna li x-xogħol beda bla permess? Probabbli ħadd.”


What are the BCA actually doing?

Architect Carmel Cacopardo, ADPD – The Green Party Deputy Chairperson reacted to today’s construction incident in Sliema, “the killing of another worker brings us to ask the BCA what the members of its inspectorate are doing. Do they wait for things to fall into their laps before they take action against irregularities? How can it be that they didn’t notice that work was underway without the requisite permit?”

Sandra Gauci, Chairperson and candidate of ADPD – The Green Party added, “this is a reflection of the couldn’t-care-less attitude that currently reigns in Malta, where everyone does as they please, as they know that they will not suffer the consequences. If this incident hadn’t happened, who would have realised that the works on that site started without a permit? Probably nobody.”
