We want a social Europe where people come before profits

Today, on the occasion of Workers’ Day, the AD Chairperson Carmel Cacopardo led a party delegation in a visit to the headquarters of the General Workers’ Union in Valletta. Carmel Cacopardo, who is also a candidate for the European Parliament was accompanied by Secretary General Ralph Cassar, PRO Luke Caruana and Mina Tolu, also a candidate for the European Parliament.

Carmel Cacopardo explained the AD’s and the European Greens’ European manifesto which links social justice and environmental justice. There is no environmental justice without social justice, insisted Cacopardo.

“Europe, and even Malta can be at the forefront in the transition towards a green economy, through a Green New Deal which proposes investment to ensure that economic development benefits everyone, not just those at the top. Green policies ensure that all work pays and offers a decent living to everyone. We not not agree with policies which are based on the supposed trickling down of wealth and wellbeing. A just and fair economy is based on redistribution and not trickling down of wealth. We need local and European industrial policy, because we depend too much on financial services, letterbox companies and gaming. Over-dependence on these sectors is dangerous. We are also concerned on proposals such as those by the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association which instead of improving the conditions of workers in the service sector seek to improve profits at the expense of workers, in a sector already plagued by low wages. ”

“At European level we insist on a regulated market – deregulation, espoused by liberal and conservative parties on the right, leads to inequality and unfair competition and a race to the bottom, at the expense of workers rights and the environment. It will lead to more pollution and damage people’s quality of life. International trade treaties should not undermine the quality of life of workers and Europe’s citizens. ”

“We note that the GWU, like other unions, is working continuously to to defend and improve the conditions of work of both local and foreign workers. We agree with the GWU that the conditions of contract workers in government institutions such as hospitals are of concern. If there are jobs which need to be filled workers should be given permanent contracts of work. Permanent contracts mean that people can plan for the long term, plan expenses and have the peace of mind to life a fulfilling life. The economy is there to serve people and not the other way round.”


Irridu Unjoni Ewropea soċjali – il-persuna qabel il-profitt

Illum, fl-okkażjoni ta’ Jum il-Ħaddiem, iċ-Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika mexxa delegazzjoni mill-partit fi żjara fil-kwartieri tal-General Workers’ Union, il-Belt Valletta. Akkumpanjaw lil Carmel Cacopardo, li huwa ukoll kandidat ghall-Parlament Ewropew, Ralph Cassar, Segretarju Generali, Luke Caruana, PRO u Mina Tolu, kandidat ghall-Parlament Ewropew.

Carmel Cacopardo spjega l-manifest ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika għall-Parlament Ewropew u kif il-Ħodor Ewropew jorbtu l-ġustizzja soċjali ma’ dik ekoloġika.

“L-Ewropa, u fiċ-ċokon tiegħu anke pajjiżna jistgħu jkunu fuq quddiem fit-tranzizzjoni lejn ekonomija ħadra, bil-programm ‘Green New Deal’ jipproponi investiment li jiżgura li l-iżvilupp ekonomiku jibbenefika minnu kulħadd. Irridu xogħol li joffri għixien diċenti għal kulħadd. Id-diskors u l-politika li tkabbar l-ekonomija bit-tama li dak li jaqa’ minn fuq il-mejda jasal għand il-ħaddiema ma naqblux magħha. Għandna bżonn politika industrijali lokali u Ewropea, għax li niddependu wisq fuq servizzi finanzjarji, kumpaniji fantażma u l-logħob tal-azzard huwa ta’ periklu għall-istabilita’ ekonomika ta’ pajjiżna. Imħassbin ukoll bi proposti bħal dawk tal-MHRA li minflok itejbu l-kundizzjonijiet tax-xogħol innaqqru l-pagi anke f’setturi magħrufin għall-pagi baxxi.”

“Fuq livell Ewropew ninsistu fuq suq regolat – it-tneħħija tar-regoli, kif iridu partiti neoliberali tal-lemin, iwasslu għall-inugwaljanza, għal kompetizzjoni inġusta fejn l-ewwel li jbatu huma l-kundizzjonijijet tal-ħaddiema, u l-ambjent, bi tniġġis u ħsara lill-kwalita’ tal-ħajja tan-nies. L-ebda trattati internazzjonali m’għandhom jimminaw il-kwalita’ tal-ħajja tal-ħaddiema.”

“Ninnotaw li l-GWU, bħal kull union, taħdem kontinwament biex ikunu indirizzati kwestjonijiet ta’ kundizzjonijiet ħżiena ta’ ħaddiema kemm Maltin, kif ukoll barranin, u fuq l-ħaddiema li jaħdmu f’istituzzjonijiet tal-Gvern imma huma ħaddiema tal-kuntrattur, eżempju fl-isptarijiet. Jekk u fejn hemm bżonn li jkun hemm impjieg, il-ħaddiema għandhom jingħataw impjieg regolari. Is-serħan il-moħħ għall-ħaddiema huwa essenzjali. Mhux aċċettabbli li l-ekonomija u l-iffrankar tal-flus issir minn fuq dahar ħaddiema tal-kuntrattur.”
