In a press conference at the skate park in Msida, Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party said that the voting age for Local, European and General elections should be lowered to age 16.
Michael Briguglio, AD Chairperson said: “As Malta’s progressive party, AD is proposing that young people from age 16 onwards are eligible to vote in local, European and general elections in Malta. This will be a concrete change which entrusts young people with key decisions in their life, just as they are entrusted to take up employment and further their education. We therefore urge other political parties to endorse this proposal, in order that policies for youth empowerment will go beyond rhetoric”.
Reuben Zammit, ADZ Chairperson Green Youth, said: “ADZ has always believed young people are not just the future of the country; they also form an integral part of present society, culture and politics. We have lobbied for universal suffrage to be extended to 16-year olds since before the 2008 general elections. Malta’s youth should be allowed to have a say as much as anyone else in politics, more so since today’s decisions and policies will form the world we must live in tomorrow.”

L-eta tal-votanti ghanda titnizzel ghal 16
F’konferenza stampa fl-iskate park l-iMsida, Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party qalet li l-eta’ tal-votanti ghall-elezzjonijiet Lokali, Ewropej u Generali ghandha titnizzel ghal sittax-il sena.
Michael Brigulgio, Chairperson tal-AD qal: “Bhala l-partit progressiv f’Malta, AD qed tiproponi li z-zghazagh minn sittax-il sena ‘il fuq ghandhom ikunu eligibbli biex jivvutaw fil-kunsilli lokali, fl-elezzjoni tal-Parlament Ewropew u fl-elezzjoni generali f’Malta. Din tkun bidla konkreta li taghti fiducja liz-zghazagh biex jaghmlu decizjonijiet importanti f’hajjithom, bhal ma huma fdati biex ikollhom impjieg u jkomplu l-edukazzjoni taghhom. Ghalhekk ahna inheggu lil partiti l-ohra biex japprovaw din il-proposta, halli l-politika favur iz-zghazagh tmur lil hinn mir-retorika.”
Reuben Zammit, Chairperson tal-Alternattiva Demokratika Zghazagh qal: “ADZ dejjem emmnet li z-zghazagh mhumiex biss il-futur ta’ pajjizna izda jiffurmaw anke parti integrali mis-socjeta’, kultura u politika prezenti. Ahna hdimna biex il-vot jigi estiz ghaz-zghazagh ta’ sittax-il sena minn qabel l-elezzjoni generali tat-2008. Iz-zghazagh Maltin ghandhom dritt li jkollhom vuci bhal haddiehor fil-politika, specjalment meta d-decizjonijiet u l-politika tal-lum se jiffurmaw id-dinja li jridu jghixu fiha fil-futur.”