USA Datagate: Maltese government should ask for clarification

Alternattiva Demokratika The Green Party considers that the request by the Leader of the Opposition  to convene a meeting of the Security Committee set up in terms of the Security Services Act is a step in the right direction as is the Prime Minister’s acceptance of this request.


This was stated by Carmel Cacopardo AD Deputy Chairperson and Spokesperson on Sustainable Development and Home Affairs. Whilst the Leader of the Opposition is rightly preoccupied by the presence of the Interior Minister for interviews relative to the recruitment of new employees at the Security Service, Cacopardo stated that Alternattiva is preoccupied as to how the Act gives any role to the Minister in the recruitment process.


AD, added Cacopardo is also preoccupied as to current spate of electronic espionage by the United States of America on EU institutions and member states as revealed by Der Spiegel and as to whether Malta’s security service is in any way prepared to defend Malta’s interests in this respect. Whilst AD has no role in the Security Committee it hopes that the security service will be run above party politics.

AD spokesperson on Information Technology and Data Protection, Henrik Piski, said: While authorities need a warrant to search a private property, it would seem that the American government authorized the illegal violation of privacy of any citizen in the name of the fight against terrorism. EU governments need to protect the data of their citizens. We fully support the European Parliament’s Green Group President Daniel Cohn Bendit’s proposal to suspend all EU-US negotiations on free trade until this alleged flagrant breach of human rights has been fully investigated.

AD Chairperson, Prof. Arnold Cassola, concluded: Rather than wasting his and the people’s time by interviewing prospective Secret Service candidates or organizing the catering roster for policemen turned waiters, Minister for the Interior Emmanuel Mallia should intervene with the US authorities to ensure that Malta’s people are not being spied upon electronically.




PR01/07/2013 US Datagate: Il-Gvern Malti ghandu jitlob kjarifiki

Alternattiva Demokratika jidhrilha li s-sejha tal-Kap tal-Oppozizzjoni biex jiltaqa’ l-Kumitat tas-Sigurta’ imwaqqaf taht l-Att dwar is-Servizzi tas-Sigurta’ hu pass fid-direzzjoni t-tajba bhalma hi d-decizjoni tal-Prim Ministru li jaccetta din it-talba.

Dan qalu Carmel Cacopardo Deputat Chairperson u kelliemi ta’ AD dwar l-Izvilupp Sostenibbli u l-Intern. Filwaqt li l-Kap tal-Oppozizzjoni hu gustament ippreokkupat bil-prezenza tal-Ministru tal-Intern ghal intervisti dwar l-ingagg ta’ impjegati godda fis-Servizz tas-Sigurta, Cacopardo qal li Alternattiva hi ppreokkupata  dwar kif il-Ligi taghti rwol lill-Minisutru fil-process tal-ingagg innifsu.


AD zied jghid Cacopardo, hi ppreokkupata ukoll dwar l-ispjunagg elettroniku li ghaddej bhalissa mill-Istati Uniti tal-Amerika fuq l-istituzzjonijiet Ewropej u l-istati membri, kif zvelat minn Der Spiegel fi tmiem il-gimgha, u jekk is-servizz tas-sigurta’ ta’ Malta huwiex ippreparat biex jiddefendi l-interessi Maltin f’dan ir-rigward.


Il-kelliem ta’ AD dwar l-IT u l-protezzjoni tad-Data, Henrik Piski, qal: Waqt li l-awtoritajiet ghandhom bzonn ta’ mandat biex jfittxu f’residenza privata, jidher li l-Gvern Amerikan awtorizza vjolazzjoni illegali tal-privatezza tac-cittadini Ewropej f’isem il-glieda kontra t-terrorizmu.  Jehtieg li l-gvernijiet tal-UE jharsu d-data tac-cittadini taghhom.  Ahna nappoggaw ghal kollox il-proposta tal-President tal-Grupp tal-Greens fil-Parlament Ewropew, Daniel Cohn Bendit, li l-UE tissospendi n-negozjati UE-USA dwar il-kummerc hieles sakemm tigi investigata dan l-allegat vjolazzjoni tad-drittijiet tal-bniedem.


Ic-Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika, il-Prof. Arnold Cassola, ikkonkluda; Minflok joqghod jitlef iz-zmien tieghu  u tal-poplu Malti billi joqghod jintervista kandidati prospettivi ghas-Servizz Sigriet Malti jew billi jorganizza r-roster ta’ pulizjija li jaghmluha ta’ waiters, il-Ministru tal-Intern Emmanuel Mallia ghandu jintervjeni mal-awtoritajiet Amerikani biex jizgura li mhux qed isir spjunagg elettroniku fuq il-poplu Malti.

