Tunnel: PL and PN’s environmental declarations hogwash

Hogwash flyer


With reference to the Gozo tunnel issue, AD Deputy Chairperson Carmel Cacopardo said: “Alternattiva Demokratika notes that the Front in Favour of the Tunnel between Malta and Gozo is led by the two Gozitan MPs, PL’s Franco Mercieca and PN’s Chris Said. Whilst we can understand the populistic sentiments of Mercieca and Said, AD believes that while there are still so many basic studies to be made, it is too early to start the campaigning in favour of their beliefs.”

“We still need geological studies, environmental studies, studies on the social impact and studies on the impact on businesses. Each one of these studies is very important and it would therefore be presumptuous to start campaigning as from now. On the other hand, Mercieca and Said’s positions prove that the declared environmental commitment on the part of their respective political parties is plain hogwash.”


PR30/11/2015 Mina bejn Malta u Ghawdex: konferma tal-kredenzjali ambjentali zero tal-PL u l-PN

B’riferenza ghall-kwistjoni tal-mina bejn Malta u Ghawdex, id-Deputat Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika, Carmel Cacopardo, qal: “Alternattiva Demokratika tinnota l-Front favur il-Mina bejn Malta u Ghawdex huwa mmexxi miz-zewg deputati Ghawdxin Franco Mercieca tal-PL u Chris Said tal-PN. Filwaqt li nifhmu is-sentimenti populisti ta’ Mercieca u Said, AD hi tal-fehma li meta ghad jonqos tant studji bazici xi jsiru ghadu kmieni wisq biex jibdew jikkampanjaw favur il-fehma li jhaddnu.”

“Ghad baqa’ l-istudji geologici, l-istudji ambjentali, l-istudji dwar l-impatt socjali u l-impatt fuq in-negozju. Kull wiehed minn dawn l-istudji huwa importanti hafna u tkun ghaldaqstant pruzunzjoni li minn issa tinbeda kampanja. Il-pozizzjoni ta’ Mercieca u Said, min naha l-ohra, turi li d-dikjarazzjonijiet ambjentali tal-partiti taghhom huma kollha teatrin.”


Cartoon from maltatoday.com.mt (22/10/2015)
Cartoon from maltatoday.com.mt (22/10/2015)