Earlier today, Architect Carmel Cacopardo, ADPD Chairperson submitted a report addressed to the Planning Authority, the Environment and Resources Authority, and the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage in respect of a quarry which is still in operation, receiving construction waste, notwithstanding the expiry of its operational permit.
The quarry operated by Tum Invest Limited is close to the Ħaġar Qim and Imnajdra megalitic temples in the limits of Qrendi.
The report emphasises that in addition to the permit having expired 4 months ago, the quarry has expanded horizontally and also vertically. This threatens the aesthetic integrity of the megalithic temples which are very close by.
One hopes that the authorities created to defend our heritage act immediately. Remaining with eyes shut is no option.
Attached to this press statement please find, report, ERA expired permit and a number of photographs.
Barriera tat-Tum Invest topera bla permess
Iktar kmieni illum, il-Perit Carmel Cacopardo, Chairperson ta’ ADPD issottometta rapport indirizzat lill-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar, lill-Awtorità tal-Ambjent u r-Riżorsi u lis-Sopratendenza tal-Wirt Kulturali dwar barriera li qed topera minkejja li skadielha l-permess bħala post fejn jinġabar l-iskart tal-kostruzzjoni.
Din il-barriera li hi operata mit-Tum Invest Limited qegħda ħdejn it-tempji meglitiċi ta’ Ħaġar Qim u l-Imnajdra, fil-limiti tal-Qrendi.
Ir-rapport sottomess jemfasizza li barra li l-barriera qed topera bla permess, li skada 4 xhur ilu, espandiet lilhinn mil-limiti permissibli kemm b’mod orizzontali kif ukoll fil-għoli. Dan hu ta’ theddida għall-integrità estetika tat-tempji megalitiċi li qegħdin fil-viċin.
Nittamaw li l-awtoritajiet jaġixxu bla dewmien u ma jibqgħux b’għajnejhom magħluqa.
Annessi ma’ din l-istqarrija hawn ir-rapport, il-permess skadut tal-ERA, u xi ritratti.