Tigne’ amendments: More of the same, to the detriment of residents – AD
Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party said the MIDI developers are not proposing any substantial positive changes in their proposals regarding development at Tigne’ Point. AD was reacting to the “Amendment of master plan (Tigne’ North) approved in outline development permit, at Tigne North, Ix-Xatt Ta’ Tigne’, Sliema”, which retains the 23-storey tower, amongst other development.
Michael Briguglio, AD Chairperson, and former Sliema Local Councillor, said that “the development will have a negative impact on landscape, especially due to the 23-storey tower. One can only imagine the massive influx of cars, and resultant pollution, in an already congested area. MEPA should consider the cumulative impact of all developments in Tigne’ and Qui-si-sana.”
“The area is already characterised by overdevelopment due to the MIDI and Fort Cambridge developments. Besides, another mega-project, Townsquare, is being proposed a few metres away, and this is also projected to comprise a 23-storey tower amongst other developments. Townsquare alone is projected to have an increase of over 4,000 cars daily in the area”.
Andre` Vella, AD spokesperson on Community Development said that “it is important that Sliema will not face further negative impacts due to irresponsible planning. Alternattiva Demokratika hopes that MEPA will not give its blessing to further deterioration of the quality of life of Sliema residents. AD notes that the closing date for the public to submit comments to MEPA on the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is Friday 24 June, at http://www.mepa.org.mt/permitting-ea-cons “.
L-emendi ghal aktar zvilupp f’ Tigne’: Xejn gdid, ghad-detriment tar-residenti – AD
L-Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party qalet li l-izviluppaturi MIDI m’humiex qed jipproponu bidliet pozittivi sostanzjali fil-proposti taghhom dwar aktar zvilupp f’Tigne’ Point. L-AD kienet qed taghti r-reazzjoni taghha ghall-emendi fil-master plan (Tigne’ North) hekk kif approvat fl-outline development permit, f’Tigne’ North, Ix-Xatt Ta’ Tigne’, Sliema”, li, fost zvilupp iehor, ghadu qed jipproponi torri ta’ 23 sular.
Michael Briguglio, ic-Chairperson tal-AD, u ex kunsillier ta’ tas-Sliema, qal li “dan l-izvilupp ser ikollu impatt negattiv fuq il-pajesagg, specjalment minhabba t-torri li ser jilhaq gholi ta’ 23 sular. Il-MEPA ghandha tikkonsidra l-impatt kumulattiv tal-izvilupp kollu li qed isir f’Tigne’ u fi Qui-si-sana.”
“Tigne’ huwa diga zviluppat aktar milli jmissu minhabba l-progetti ta’ MIDI u Fort Cambridge. Barra minn hekk, progett kbir iehor, Townsquare, qed jigi propost ftit metri l-boghod u dan ukoll qed jipproponi li jinkludi torri ta’ 23 sular fost zvilupp iehor. Bil-progett ta’ Townsquare biss, huwa progettat li jizdiedu aktar minn 4,000 kuljum fl-inhawi”.
Andre` Vella, il-kelliem tal-AD ghall-Izvilupp fil-Komunita’ qal li “huwa importanti li Tas-Sliema ma jkolliex iktar impatti negattivi minhabba ppjanar irresponsabbli. Alternattiva Demokratika tittama li l-MEPA ma taghtix il-barka taghha biex tkompli titnaqqar il-kwalita’ tal-hajja tar-residenti ta’ tas-Sliema. AD tinnota li d-data tal-gheluq biex jigu sottometti kummenti mill-pubbliku lill-MEPA dwar l-Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) hija l-24 ta’ Gunju, minn http://www.mepa.org.mt/permitting-ea-cons.”