The reports in the media over the past few days about the disability benefits scandal confirm Labour’s insatiable lust for power.
The Police investigation of MP Silvio Grixti and his immediate resignation in December 2021 means that the Police already had information of the scandal by then. It is clear that Grixti resigned to shift the focus off the Labour Party and the Government during the election campaign.
How much information did the Police know by then? Why didn’t they start taking the necessary action that very day? As a result of this delay the Police ended up protecting the Labour Party in its vote stealing exercise which seems to have involved 800 people. The Police kept things under wrap because of the elections. The Police Force has protected Labour from the potential fallout from their own filth during the election campaign.
This complicity in protecting Labour should be investigated. While the processes of today’s investigations may be proper, the delay in the actual investigations has led to vote buying. Investigations into the racket need to leave no stone unturned and all lines of inquiry need to be pursued. The reports in the Times of Malta that at least some beneficiaries of the racket are claiming they were required to pay kickbacks to PL operatives are disgusting and of great concern.
ADPD – The Green Party Chairperson Sandra Gauci concluded:”Given the timeline of the case and the withholding of information two years ago, it is of no wonder that the freedom and independence of our police force continues to be questioned. We will continue following developments in this case of electoral corrupt practices, abuse of power, institutional corruption and money laundering, and inform our European party, the European Green Party and the Green Group in the European Parliament of the corrupt political playingfield we operate in.”
Il-Pulizija tipproteġi lil-Labour mill-ħmieġ tiegħu stess
L-istejjer li ħarġu fuq il-media f’dawn l-aħħar jiem dwar l-iskandlu tal-għajnuna soċjali għad-diżabilità jixkef il-kilba għall-poter tal-Parit Laburista.
L-investigazzjoni mill-Pulizija tat-Tabib Silvio Grixti u ir-riżenja immedjata tiegħu f’Diċembru 2021 tfisser lil-Pulizija sa dakinhar diġà kellhom ħjiel tal-iskandlu. Huwa ċar li Grixti irriżenja biex ineħħi l-attenzjoni minn fuq il-Partit Laburista u l-Gvern waqt il-kampanja elettorali.
Kemm kienu jafu informazzjoni l-Pulizija dakinhar? Għaliex ma bdewx jieħdu passi dakinhar stess? Riżultat ta’ dan il-fatt fih innifsu l-Pulizija spiċċat tipproteġi lill-Partit Laburista fl-eżerċizzju ta’ serq ta’ voti li jidher li sar fil-konfront ta’ 800 persuna u dan għax żammet skiet perfett u ma ħadet l-ebda passi sakemm għaddiet l-elezzjoni. Il-Korp tal-Pulizija wasal biex jipproteġi lil-Labour mill-impatti tal-ħmieġ tagħhom stess waqt il-kampanja elettorali.
Hi din il-kompliċità effettiva li għandha tkun investigata. Għax filwaqt li l-passi li qed jittieħdu illum jistgħu jkunu tajba, id-dewmien wassal biex ix-xiri tal-voti filfatt iseħħ.
L-investigazzjonijiet ta’ din il-konġura kriminali għandha ssir bir-reqqa u fid-dettall. Ir-rapporti tat-Times of Malta li xi benefiċċjarji tal-frodi qed jgħidu li kellhom ixaħħmu lil persuni qrib il-Partit Laburista, huwa tassew inkwetanti u diżgustanti.
Iċ-Chairperson ta’ ADPD – The Green Party Sandra Gauci ikkonkludiet:”Il-mod kif ġraw l-affarijiet u l-ħabi tad-dettalji tal-każ għal sentejn sħaħ bilfors ikomplu jdaħħlu dubju dwar l-indipendenza tal-Korp tal-Pulizija. Min-naħa tagħna se nkomplu nsegwu l-iżviluppi f’dal-każ ta’ prattiċi korrotti elettorali, abbuż ta’ poter, korruzzjoni istituzzjonalizzata u ħasil ta’ flus, u se nibqgħu ninfurmaw lil sħabna tal-Partit tal-Ħodor Ewropej u tal-Grupp tal-Ħodor fil-Parlament Ewropew dwar ix-xenarju politiku korrott li qed noperaw fih hawn Malta.”