The frantic pace of roadworks is leading to a serious deterioration of safety and security with tragic consequences.
Carmel Cacopardo, Alternattiva Demokratika Chairperson reiterated that not enough signage is being put in place to warn drivers of trenching works and other dangers. At night, warning lights are also conspicuous by their absence in a good number of road building projects. Bollards meant to direct traffic appropriately are ending up strewn haphazardly on various roads, blown around by prevailing winds.
AD Secretary General and spokesperson on infrastructural, energy and transport said. “AD insists that contractors live up to their responsibilities for the health and safety of their workers and also that of road users. AD also insists that the competent authorities carry out thorough inspections to make sure that health and safety prerogatives are rigorously upheld. It is unacceptable that authorities and Ministers responsible for road works and health and safety seem to be reluctant to enforce proper standards on contractors. Despite all the talk about Malta being ‘the best country in Europe’, the lack of enforcement of standards paints another picture, that of neglect to the detriment of the lives of people.”
Il-ferneżija ta’ xogħolijiet f’daqqa fuq it-toroq qed iwassal għal nuqqas serju ta’ sigurtà
“Il-ferneżija ta’ xogħolijiet f’daqqa fuq it-toroq qed iwassal għal nuqqas serju ta’ sigurtà li qed ikollha konsegwenzi traġiċi”. Dan qalu Carmel Cacopardo Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika.
“Huwa evidenti li mhux qed ikun hemm sinjali biżżejjed biex javżaw is-sewwieqa bil-perikli minn trinek u xogħolijiet oħra. Billejl, ħafna mix-xogħlijiet mhux qed ikollhom dawl li jimmarka l-lant tax-xogħolijiet. Bollards li ukoll suppost jimmarkaw trinek, materjal u nġenji, qed ikunu nieqsa jew mitfugħa f’nofs ta’ triq għax jinġarru mir-riħ.”
Ralph Cassar, Segretarju Generali u kelliem dwar l-infratstruttura, energija u trasport qal,”AD tinsisti li l-kuntratturi jerfgħu r-responsabbiltajiet tagħhom fuq is-saħħa u sigurtà mhux biss tal-ħaddiema tagħhom imma wkoll għal min juża t-toroq. Tinsisti wkoll li l-awtoritajiet kompetenti jispezzjonaw ix-xogħolijiet biex is-saħħa tal-pubbliku tkun imħarsa. Huwa ta’ għajb li l-awtoritajiet u l-Ministri kompetenti qishom mhux interessati fl-istandards tas-sigurtà . Fl-infurzar u fis-sorveljanza pajjizna għadu snin u snin lura minkejja l-ftaħir kollu dwar ‘l-aqwa żmien’.”