It is shameful that, for the third time, the tender process for the Fast Ferry between Malta and Gozo, has been halted because of shortcomings in the process. This means that Gozitans have again been deprived of an effective way of mitigating the daily hardship for many workers and students, who cross between the islands.
It is shameful that the people have yet again to make up for the incompetence, as well as the lack of transparency on the part of the authorities.
Instead of carrying out its duties with feasible and accessible projects in this sector, government persists in distracting the public with grandiose schemes, like the one for a tunnel beneath the sea, which, if done, will have a disastrous effect on the environment of Malta and Gozo, apart from other negative social and economic consequences.
ADPD reiterates that it is really ironic how that which was supposed to offer a fast service, has ended up moving at a snail’s pace, because it is bogged down by incompetence and carelessness.
This shows a complete lack of solidarity with those who will carry the burden of this malpractice.
Dak li kellu jkun fast ferry spiċċa miexi pass ta’ nemla
Huwa ta’ għajb li għat-tielet darba, il-proċess ta’ tender għall-Fast Ferry bejn Malta u Għawdex reġa’ tħassar minħabba f’nuqqasijiet fil-proċess. Dan ifisser li għal darb’oħra, l-Għawdxin qed jiċċaħħdu minn mod effettiv kif titnaqqas it-tbatija ta’ kuljum għal ħafna ħaddiema u studenti li jaqsmu bejn il-gżejjer.
Huwa għajb kif għal darb’oħra l-pubbliku qed ikollu jħallas għall-inkompetenza, kif ukoll għan-nuqqas ta’ trasparenza min-naħa tal-awtoritajiet.
Minflok ma jagħmel xogħolu bi proġetti fattibbli u aċċessibbli f’dan il-qasam, il-gvern jinsisti li jibqa’ jroxx il-bżar fl-għajnejn bi proposti grandjużi bħal ma hija l-proposta tal-mina taħt il-baħar, li jekk issir, ikollha effetti diżastrużi fuq l-ambjent Għawdxi u Malti, fost effetti soċjali u ekonomiċi oħra.
ADPD ittenni li huwa ironiku kif dak li suppost kellu joffri servizz veloċi spiċċa miexi b’veloċità żero. għax imxekkel b’mażżra ta’ inkompetenza u traskuraġni.
Dan juri nuqqas ta’ solidarjetà ma’ kull min ser ikollu jibqa’ jsofri, frott dan l-aġir!!