Tax avoidance: the role of intermediaries

The Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament has today published a report looking at the role of intermediaries (banks, accountants, lawyers) in tax evasion. The report draws on data from the database, created by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists using data from the Panama Papers, Bahamas Leaks and Offshore Leaks.

Commenting on the report, Greens/EFA economic and finance spokesperson Sven Giegold said:

“This study shows that tax evasion and money laundering are not only the concern of dubious states in the Caribbean. These transactions are made possible by banks, law firms and auditors operating, and often based, here in the European Union. Swiss and Luxembourg firms, as well as French and British institutions, have earned a tidy sum from this kind of business. The governments of member states must initiate an investigation into those firms complicit in tax evasion and money laundering. All those who would assist tax evasion must be effectively regulated and supervised. We are calling for comprehensive and independent monitoring of intermediaries in order to prevent financial institutions assisting tax avoidance and money laundering in third countries. This must apply equally to banks, lawyers, and consultants.”

Alternattiva Demokratika Chairperson Prof Arnold Cassola, added:

“Although the vast majority of the intermediaries named in the leaks have a base in the EU, with the United Kingdom in the forefront, this report also is also relevant to Malta. It is because of the crucial roles which intermediaries play in tax evasion and tax avoidance that the representatives of Maltese companies like Nexia BT and EMD Advisory are being asked to testify in the European Parliament Panama Papers investigation committee.”

The study and its key results can be found here:

L-evitar tat-taxxi: ir-rwol tal-intermedjarji

Il-Grupp Greens/EFA fil-Parlament Ewropew illum ippubblika rapport dwar ir-rwol tal-kumpaniji intermedjarji (banek, accountants, avukati) fl-evajoni tat-taxxa.  Dan ir-rapport huwa bbażat fuq id-databases tal- International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, mibni fuq il-Panama papers, Bahamas Leaks, Offshore Leaks.

Sven Giegold, il-Kelliem tal- Greens/EFA dwar finanza u ekonomija, qal:

“Dan l-istudju juri li l-evażjoni fiskali u l-ħasil tal-flus ma jsirux biss fil-Karibew.  Dawn it-tranżazzjonijiet  huma aġevolati minn banek, ditti legali u awdituri li joperaw fl-Unjoni Ewropea, l-Iżvizzera, il-Lussemburgu, kif ukoll f’istituzzjonijiet finanzjarji Britanniċi u Franċiżi, li jagħmlu kemxa flus sew minnhom. Il-gvernijiet tal-istati membri tal-UE għandhom jibdew jinvestigaw dawk id-ditti li huma kompliċi fl-evażjoni tat-taxxa u fil-ħasil tal-flus. Dawk kollha li jgħinu fl-evażjoni tat-taxxa għandhom jiġu regolati u jitpoġġew taħt superviżjoni.  Qed nitolbu monitoraġġ indipendenti u komprensiv ta’ dawn l-intermedjarji biex inżommu lil istituzzjonijiet finanzjarji milli jgħinu fl-evitar tat-taxxi u ħasil tal-flus f’pajjiżi terzi.  Dan għandu jgħodd kemm għal banek, avukati, kif ukoll konsulenti”.

Iċ-Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika, l-Prof. Arnold Cassola, qal:

“Minkejja li l-maġġoranza tal-intermedjarji msemmija fil-“leaks” għandhom bażi fl-UE, bir-Renju Unit fuq quddiem, dan ir-rapport huwa relevanti ukoll għal Malta. Huwa minħabba r-rwol kruċjali ta’ intermedjarji fl-evażjoni u fl-evitar tat-taxxi li r-rappreżentanti tal-kumpaniji Maltin Nexia BT u EMD Advisory qed jintalbu jixhdu quddiem il-Kumitat investigattiv dwar il-Panama Papers tal-Parlament Ewropew.”

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