Stop playing about with laws and regulations, AD tells PM

Arnold cassola Carmel Cacopardo

During a press conference in Valletta, Deputy Chairperson of’ Alternattiva Demokratika, Carmel Cacopardo, said: “The Government’s and Prime Minister Joseph Muscat’s playing about with words on a number of legal and constitutional issues sheds a bad light on the democratic credentials of the Labour Party. A number of laws have been changed in order to make it possible for Members of Parliament to serve on various boards, including those of some authorities. This action has undermined the democratic process because through it a Member of Parliament becomes part of the operation of Government instead of doing his duty of overseeing it.”

“Members of Parliament who are appointed on these Boards are not in a position to perform their Parliamentary duties adequately. It would have been more sensible had Parliament set up the necessary structures to oversee the Government’s work.”

Carmel Cacopardo concluded: “The Prime Minister has also played about with words with regards to the call for an abrogative referendum, for which the required amount of signatures has already been presented. At times he says that the referendum will take place if there are enough signatures and at others he gives the impression that he is willing to consider a request for the provisions of the applicability of an abrogative referendum legislation to be toned down. This play on words on the part of the Prime Minister is seriously denting the democratic process.”

Prof. Arnold Cassola, Chairperson of Alternattiva Demokratika, added: “The Prime Minister unilaterally decided to give ministerial responsibilities in the social sector to the President, when this is not permitted by the constitution. This, together with the fact that the Prime Minister’s wife is being given institutional roles in Maltese government delegations abroad shows that the Maltese Prime Minister is overstepping his powers. It would not be a bad idea if the Prime Minister’s advisors were to draw his attention on such abuses, rather than acting as yesmen.”

Waqt konferenza stampa l-Belt Valletta, id-Deputat Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika, Carmel Cacopardo, qal: “Il-loghob bil-kliem tal-Gvern u tal-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat dwar diversi issues legali u kostituzzjonali jixhtu dell fuq il-kredenzjali demokratici tal-Partit Laburista. Inbidlu diversi ligijiet biex ikun possibli li Membri Parlamentari jinhatru fuq diversi bordijiet, inkluz dawk ta’ xi awtoritajiet. Din l-azzjoni imminat il-process demokratiku ghax biha l-Membru Parlamentari flok ma jaqdi dmiru biex jgharbel il-hidma tal-Gvern sar parti minnha.

”Il-Membri Parlamentari li nhatru fuq dawn il-Bordijiet qeghdin f’posizzjoni li ma jistghux jaqdu dmirijiet fil-Parlament b’mod adegwat. Kien ikun aktar ghaqli li l-Parlament holoq l-ghodda necessarji biex ikun jista’ jissorvelja ahjar il-hidma tal-Gvern.”

Carmel Cacopardo kkonkluda: “Il-Prim Ministru qieghed ukoll jilghab bil-kliem dwar it-talba ghal referendum abrogattiv li diga giet ipprezentata. Filli jghid li r-referendum isir jekk hemm il-firem u filli jaghti x’jifhem li lest li jikkunsidra talba ghal tnaqqis fl-applikabilita tal-provedimenti tal-ligi dwar ir-referendum abrogattiv. Dan il-loghob bil-kliem da parti tal-Prim Ministru hu ta’ hsara ghall-process demokratiku”.

Il-Prof. Arnold Cassola, Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika, zied: “Il-Prim Ministru ddecieda ukoll minn jeddu li jaqbad u jaghti responsabbiltajiet ministerjali fil-qasam socjali lill-President, meta l-kostituzzjoni ma taghtix lok ghal dan.  Dan kollu, flimkien mal-fatt li l-mara tal-Prim Ministru qed tinghata ukoll rwoli istituzzjonali fid-delegazzjonijiet governattivi Maltin barra minn Malta, jixhed li l-Prim Ministru Malti qed jaqbez il-limiti tal-poteri tieghu. Ikun tajjeb li min jaghti parir lill-Prim Ministru jigbidlu l-attenzjoni ghal dawn l-abbuzi u ma jagixxix ta’ ‘yesman.”
