Muscat and Busuttil, stop bluffing about Greek debt to the Maltese people, says AD
On the background of the unfolding Greek Drama, Prof. Arnold Cassola, Alternattiva Demokratika Chairperson said: “Prime Minister Joseph Muscat yesterday assured parliament that Malta will not accept any debt ‘haircut’ proposals from Greece. “There is no way Greece’s debts will be forgiven,” an adamant Dr Muscat said. PN leader Simon Busuttil also said that the Greek people could not expect any financial haircuts when it was out celebrating the referendum result.
Dr Muscat and Dr Busuttil should stop talking the Maltese people for a ride by playing the machos. While obviously everyone wants their money back, as things stand, the bankrupt Greeks will never be able to repay their debt. It is useless for Muscat and Busuttil to bluff to the Maltese people about this.
It is therefore in everyone’s interest to give the Greeks some breathing space in order, perhaps, to have the possibility that in twenty years’ time, maybe, they start paying back their debts.
Europe must not impose austere measures on the Greeks. But Tsipras and the Greeks must roll up their sleeves for real reforms. First thing: Germany and France had forced Greece to 2010 order 120 F6 fighter planes in 2010. Each of these planes costs 20 million euros, ergo a total of 2.4 billion euros. This order must be cancelled. This money must go to feed the Greek people not the warmongers”.
Muscat u Busuttil, tkomplux tibbluffjaw dwar id-dejn tal-Greċja mal-Maltin, tgħid AD
Fl-isfond tat-traġedja Griega bla tmiem, iċ-Chairperson tal-Alternattiva Demokratika, il-Prof. Arnold Cassola, qal: ” Il-Prim Ministru Muscat ‘lbieraħ assigura lill-Parlament li Malta mhi ser taċċettta l-ebda proposti ta’ tnaqqis fid-dejn tal-Greċja. “Bl-ebda mod, ma aħna ser naħfru d-djun tal-Greċja”, qal b’mod deċiż il-Prim Ministru. Dr Simon Busuttil kompla miegħu meta qal li l-Griegi ma jistgħux jippretendu xi skont fid-djun tagħhom waqt li qed jiċċċelebraw ir-riżultat tar-referendum.
Hemm bżonn li Dr Muscat u Dr Busuttil ma jkomplux jingannaw lill-poplu Malti billi jilagħbuha tal-machos. Waqt li huwa naturali li kulħadd irid il-flus lura, kif qegħdin l-affarijiet illum il-Griegi qatt ma ser ikunu kapaċi jħallsu lura l-flus mislufa lilhom. Huwa inutli li Muscat u Busuttil joqogħdu jibbluffjaw mal-poplu Malti dwar dan.
Huwa għalhekk fl-interess ta’ kulħadd li l-Griegi jingħataw ftit nifs biex, forsi, għoxrin sena oħra jibda jkollhom il-possibbilta’ li jiddew iroddu lura dak li ssellfu.
L-Ewropa m’għandhiex timponi miżuri ta’ awsterita’ fuq il-Griegi. Imma Tsipras u l-Griegi jridu jxammru l-kmiem biex jwettqu riformi ta’ veru. L-ewwel ħaġa: Il-Ġermanja u Franza kienu ġiegħlu lill-Griegi jagħmlu ordni ta’ 120 F6 ajruplani tal-gwerra fl-2010. Kull wieħed minn dawn l-ajruplani jqum 20 miljun ewro, ergo total ta’ 2.4 biljun ewro. Dan l-ordni għandu jiġi kkanċellat. Il-flus jridu jiġu użati biex jitimgħu l-Griegi u mhux lil min jgħix fuq il-gwerer.