St Paul's Bay: Reckless driving should be addressed: AD

Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party said that reckless driving in St Paul’s Bay in particular, and in Malta in general, should be addressed, adding that the number of accidents related to such dangerous driving should serve as alarm bell for proper enforcement. AD also presented Simon Galea, its candidate for St Paul’s Bay Local Council elections.

Michael Briguglio, AD Chairperson, said: “AD is calling for proper enforcement of regulations and for the introduction of new regulations to increase safety of pedestrians, drivers and passengers. When Malta introduced stiff penalties and proper enforcement on seat belts in the front seats of cars, this was effective. Unfortunately, the authorities were not so persistent regards other safety measures, which also include the usage of seat belts on back seats”.

Simon Galea, AD local council candidate for St Paul’s Bay, said: “Reckless driving and over speeding are becoming the order of the day in St Paul’s Bay. Excessive driving along the Qawra and Bugibba coast road is rendering walks along the promenade dangerous. The number of accidents including fatal ones occurring recently should raise an alarm. AD is proposing for more speed cameras and sleeping policemen to be installed plus the better upkeep of existing zebra crossings, some of which are in a bad state of upkeep. Finally regular breathalyser tests should be conducted in order to address drinking and driving problems”.

Ralph Cassar, AD spokesperson on Industry, Energy and Transport said: “Transport Malta are completely absent when it comes to traffic management. Local councils have no support in implementing traffic calming measures around Malta and Gozo. As a way forward we are proposing a 30kph limit in all residential roads, in line with the recommendations of the European Parliament Koch Report. Residential roads are there to be shared – they do not belong only to motorists but also to pedestrians, children and adults on bicycles and the whole community. A motion for 30kph in Attard next Wednesday proposed by me looks set to be approved. The next step would be for Transport Malta to accept this proposal and help the council implement this policy decision. A 30kph residential road speed limit will send the clear message that everyone has a right to use residential roads in safety and regard for the needs of the whole community.”

San Pawl il-Bahar: sewqan perikoluz ghandu jigi indirizzat – AD

Alternattiva Demokratika tishaq li s-sewqan perikoluz f’Malta, specjalment f’San Pawl il-Bahar ghandu jigi indirizzat, u ziedet li n-numru ta accidenti marbuta mas-sewqan perikoluz ghandu jservi ta sinjal tal-allarm biex ikun hemm infurzar xierqa. AD prezentat ukoll lil Simon Galea, il-kandidat fuq il-kunsill lokali ta San Pawl il-Bahar.

Michael Briguglio, Ic-Chairperson tal-AD qal: “AD qed issejjah ghall-infurzar adekwat tar-regolamenti u ghall-introduzzjoni ta regolamenti godda biex izidu s-sigurta tal-persuni ghaddejjin mit-triq, xufiera u l-passiggieri. Meta Malta dahlet pieni iebsin u infurzar xieraq fuq is-seat belts tal-post ta quddiem tal-karozza din kienet effettiva. Sfortunatament, l-awtoritajiet ma kienux daqshekk persistenti fejn jidhlu mizuri ta sigrta ohrajn, inkluz l-uzu tas-seat belts fuq il-post ta wara tal-karozza”.

Simon Galea, kandidat tal-AD ghall-kunsill lokali ta San Pawl il-Bahar, qal: “Is-sewqan perikoluz u l-velocita zejda qedghin isiru n-norma ta kulljum f’San Pawl il-Bahar. Is-sewqan eccessiv matul il-kosta tal-Qawra u ta Bugibba qed tohloq il-mixja mal-kosta perikoluza. In-numru ta accidenti inkluz dawk fatali li graw ricentement iqajmu alarm. AD qed tiproponi li jizdidu aktar speed cameras u sleeping policemen, u li titjieb il-manutenzjoni taz-zebra crossings, li xi whud minnhom qedghin fi stat hazin. Finalment il-breathalyser tests ghandhom isiru regolarment biex tigi indirizzata l-problema tas-sewqan taht l-influenza tal-alcohol.”

Ralph Cassar, il-kelliem tal-AD ghall-Industrija, Energija u t-Transport qal: “Transport Malta hija kompletament assenti meta jigi ghall-immaniggjar tat-traffiku. Il-kunsilli lokali m’ghandhomx sapport biex jimplementaw mizuri biex ikalmaw it-traffiku madwar Malta u Ghawdex. Bhala pass il-quddiem qedghin niproponu limitu tas-sewqan ta 30kph, li timxi fuq il-linja tar-rapport Koch mill-Parlament Ewropej.It-toroq residenzjali jappartjenu lil kulhadd u mhux lis-sewwieqa biss, imma anke lil persuni li jimxu fit-triq, lit-tfal u adulti fuq ir-roti u tal-komunita shiha. Il-mozzjoni tieghi tal-30kph f’H’Attard nhar l-Erba’ li jmiss tidher li se approvata. Il-pass li jmiss huwa li Transport Malta taccetta din il-proposta u tghin il-kunsill jiplementa din il-proposta. Triq residenzjali li ghandha limitu ta 30kph tkun qed taghti mesagg car li kullhadd ghandu dritt  li juza dawn it-toroq residenzjali fis-sigurta li tikkunsidra l-komunita kollha.”



PRO Andre` Vella
