Sant Antnin waste recycling plant at Marsaskala – unanswered questions

Alternattiva Demokratika-The Green Party notes the Labour Party Electoral Manifesto proposal such that over a period of 7 years the waste recycling plant at Marsaskala is closed down.

Carmel Cacopardo, Deputy Chairperson of Alternattiva Demokratika -The Green Party and its spokesperson on Sustainable Development and the Environment said:”While we understand that this proposal is being tabled in order to reduce the impacts on the Marsascala community, an objective which AD shares, it would be appropriate that even at this stage a number of important issues are addressed.”

“The project was financed by EU funds, and it is not normal that a project which has been financed in this manner is so easily dismantled without the consequential responsibility to refund the funds utilised.”

“It is being stated that the handling of the waste (and its recycling) will as a result be shifted to the other site, Maghtab, as a result increasing its impacts on its surroundings which include residential zones and a touristic zone. This also means that part of the generated waste will be trasferred from one end of the island to the other along our roads, this going against a very basic environmental principle, the proximity principle. As far as is reasonable one should avoid having large distances between the point where the waste is generated and the point where it is treated.”

“It would be much more effective, if one has the welfare of the Marsaskala community at heart, if the processing of the organiic waste fraction (both domestic and industrial) is accelerated. This is the actual activity which generates the objectionable impacts. The organic waste fraction processing is moving at too slow a pace, and notwithstanding the small steps forward a lot of difficulties in several localities have still to be addressed.”


L-impjant ta’ Sant Antnin ghar-riciklagg tal-iskart f’Wied il-Ghajn: mistoqsijiet mhux imwiegba

Alternattiva Demokratika osservat il-proposta li qed jaghmel il-Partit Laburista fil-Manifest Elettorali tieghu biex fuq medda ta’ 7 snin jinghalaq l-impjant ta’riciklagg tal iskart f’Sant Antnin.

Carmel Cacopardo, Deputat Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika u kelliema ghall-Izvilupp Sostenibbli u l-Ambjent hareg din l-istqarrija:”Fil-waqt li nifhmu li din il proposta qed issir biex jonqsu l-impatti fuq ir-residenti ta’ Sant Antnin, skop li naqblu mieghu 100%, ikun ghaqli li anke f’dan l-istadju jigu indirizzati numru ta’ fatturi importanti.”

“Il-progett gie iffinanzjat b’fondi Ewropej u mhux normali li progett iffinanzjat b’dan il-mod ma jkun possibli li jigi zarmat minghajr ma jkun hemm rifuzjoni tal-fondi applikati.”

“Qed jintqal li l-attivita ta’ riciklagg tal-iskart ser tmur fis-sit l-iehor, il-Maghtab, u dan bil-konsegwenza li jizdiedu l-impatti ta’ dak is-sit fuq il-vicinanzi li jinkludi zoni residenzjali kif ukoll zona turistika. Dan ifisser ukoll li parti mill-iskart ser ikollu jaqsam Malta u dan kontra principju ambjentali baziku: il-principju tal-prossimita. Dan ifisser li, safejn hu ragjonevoli, ghandu jkun evitat li jkun hemm distanzi kbar bejn il-post fejn ikun ggenerat l-iskart u l-punt fejn dan ikun ittrattat.”

“Ikun iktar ghaqli jekk irridu naghmlu l-gid lill-komunita ta’ Marsaskala jekk ikun accelerat il-process li bih il-frazzjoni organika tal-iskart (domestiku u industrijali) qed tigi pprocessata. Fir-realta din hi l-attivita li tiggenera l-ikbar impatti. S’issa nafu li l-process miexi bil-mod wisq u ghalkemm saru diversi passi ‘l quddiem hemm diffikultajiet dwaru f’diversi lokalitajiet.”
