Cycling Lane Coast Road

Road studs on the wrong side make Coast Road bicycle lane dangerous

Cycling Lane Coast Road

Alternattiva Demokratika condemns the lack of consultation between Transport Malta and cycling clubs and NGOs promoting cycling. The lack of consultation and collaboration results in hazards for cyclists – such are the ‘road studs’ which recently appeared on the new Coast Road.

The Coast Road has been for years one of the key roads for cyclists who practise cycling as a sport. It is also a road accessed by leisure cyclists whilst acting as a major commuting link used by those using cycling as a means of transportation. However the recent ‘road studs’ placed inside the cycle lane are a safety hazard for cyclists. ‘Road studs’ placed inside the lane have automatically narrowed the cycle lane, meaning that when there is debris on the lane a cyclist has to ride over the ‘road studs’ to avoid the debris. The ‘road studs’ also make it far more dangerous for a cyclist to overtake another rider or a parked car.

Dr. Claire Azzopardi Lane, AD spokesperson for sports, said “If Transport Malta really wished to protect cyclists – then a strip of ‘road studs’ placed on the outside of the lane would have emphasised the fact that a driver has already broken the law before reaching the white line indicating the cycle lane”.

Disinn ħazin u perikoluż tal-korsija tar-roti f’Triq il-Kosta

Alternattiva Demokratika tikkundanna n-nuqqas ta’  konsultazzjoni bejn Transport Malta u l-għaqdiet taċ-ċiklisti. Dan in-nuqqas ta’ konsultazzjoni u kollaborazzjoni qed iwassal għal perikli għaċ-ċiklisti – kif inhuma r-‘road studs’ li għadhom kif tpoġġew fuq il-Coast Road li għadha kif ingħatat it-tarmak.

Triq il-Kosta minn dejjem kienet waħda mit-toroq ewlenin għal min jipprattika ċ-ċikliżmu bħala sport.  Tintuża ukoll minn min jiddelitta biċ-ċikliżmu mhux b’mod agonistiku, iżda biex jasal minn post għal ieħor ta’ Malta permezz tar-rota. It-tqegħid tar-‘road studs’ fl-intern tal-korsija għaċ-ċiklisti qed joħloq periklu kbir għalihom, anki għaliex awtomatikament ċekknu l-korsija għaċ-ċiklisti.  Konsegwentement, meta jkun hemm id-debris fil-korsija, mhux biss iċ-ċiklisti jkollhom isuqu fuq ir-‘road studs’ biex jevitaw id-debris iżda wkoll huwa aktar diffiċli u perikoluż għalihom li jaqbżu lil ħaddieħor”.

Dr. Claire Azzopardi Lane, Kelliema ta’ AD għall-isports, qalet: “Kieku Transport Malta riedu verament iħarsu liċ-ċiklisti, kieku r-‘road studs’ kienu jitpoġġew fuq in-naħa ta’ barra biex jiġi enfasizzat il-fatt li s-sewwieq tal-karozza jkun diġa kiser il-liġi qabel ma wasal fuq il-linja bajda li tindika l-korsija għaċ-ċiklisti”
