Rationalisation 2006 – the destruction continues

During a press conference along Mosta’s periphery, next to Cumbo Tower, Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party once more voiced its concern on overdevelopment and the taking up of more agricultural land for this purpose.

“The last census held in 2011 had identified that out of 8359 residential units in Mosta, 16.2% were vacant and an additional 3.2% were only used occasionally. Then why do the authorities continuously encourage massive development?” stated AD Deputy Chairperson, Carmel Cacopardo .

The land in question this time has a superficial area of around 38,600 square metres.  The Planning Authority will next Monday decide as to what type of development will be permissible on the said land. This land was included as developable in 2006 when the then Government had included it in its rationalisation exercise. Then, the Labour Party in parliament had voted against the proposal but the Nationalist Party had voted in favour of this destruction.

The Planning Authority  will consider application PC 039/09 as a result of which development of three floors and a semi-basement will be permissible development with a building height of 17.50 metres above street level. The land in question is sub-divided into 93 plots.

There are however 8 other stretches of land which have not yet been apportioned into plots.  When this land is developed the total number of vacant dwellings will necessarily increase. There are other vast stretches of land which like this one in Mosta have been added within the development zone, including for example land in Triq Dun Mikiel Xerri on the periphery of Attard, close by.

Alternattiva Demokratika invites the Labour Party whch way back in 2006 voted in Parliament against the development of this and other vast stretches of land to be consistent and take the necessary steps, if it has not changed its mind as a result of being elected in Government,” concluded Carmel Cacopardo.

Razzjonalizazzjoni 2006 – il-qerda tkompli

Waqt konferenza stampa fil-periferija tal-Mosta, ħdejn it-Torri Cumbo, Alternattiva Demokratika reġgħet semmgħet leħinnha dwar żvilupp żejjed u l-qerda tar-raba.

“L-aħħar ċensiment li sar fl-2011 kien żvela li minn 8359 residenza fil-Mosta, 16.2% kienu vakanti u 3.2% oħra kienu użati okkazjonalment. Allura għalfejn l-awtoritiajiet kontinwament jinkoraġġixxu żvilupp massiċċ?”, qal Carmel Cacopardo, Deputat Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika.

L-art li se tintmiss din id-darba fiha qies ta’ madwar 38,600 metru kwadru. Dwarha l-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar nhar it-Tnejn li ġej se tiddeċiedi dwar x’tip ta’ żvilupp se jkun possibbli fuqha. “Din hi medda oħra ta’ art li fl-2006 l-Gvern ta’ dakinhar kien iddeċieda li tista’ tinbena. Dakinhar il-Partit Laburista fil-Parlament kien ivvota kontra u l-Partit Nazzjonalista kien ivvota favur din il-qerda.”

“L-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar se tikkonsidra l-applikazzjoni PC 039/09 li biha f’din iż-żona se jkun permess żvilupp ta’ tliet sulari u semi-basement b’bini ta’ għoli ta’ 17.50 metru minn wiċċ it-triq. L-art hi mqassma fi 93 plot individwali u 8 biċċiet oħra ta’ art li s’issa ma ġewx imqassma fi plots. Din l-art, meta tinbena tista’ iżżid numru konsiderevoli ta’ propjetajiet vojta ma dawk li diġa hemm.”

“Bħal din l-art hemm medded oħra ta’ art li kemm-il darba tkellimna fuqhom, inkluż fi Triq Dun Mikiel Xerri, fit-tarf ta’ Ħ’Attard, viċin t’hawnhekk. Alternattiva Demokratika tistieden lill-Partit Laburista li fl-2006 ivvota kontra l-iżvilupp ta’ din l-art u oħrajn bħalha, biex ikun konsistenti u jieħu l-passi neċessarji, dejjem sakemm ma reġax bdielu, issa li qiegħed fil-Gvern”, temm jgħid Carmel Cacopardo.
